Accomplishment of The Week-Toot Meme

Okay, this is my first time participating in the Toot Meme…but first I have to say,, this post is not about me or anyone else passing gas…LOL….!

Let’s see,,,hmmmm,,what did I accomplish this week…

Uhhh,,, Oh yeah,, I almost stayed on track with my laundry schedule. I’m trying to do one load every day and I’ve marked on the calendar what clothes I’m doing on each day of the week. For example: Whites are on Monday, pants on Tuesday, mommy and daddy shirts and other darks Wednsday, Kids clothes on Thursday, baby blankets on Friday, regular blankets on Saturday and bath towels on Sunday.

Now if I could only keep on top of it on a regular basis, I wouldn’t have mount washmore looming over me all  the time!! :)

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