I am definately Not still awake, blogging, with one hand, holding the sweetest 6 month old baby boy on my lap at 12:59am! Nope, not me!
Okay, I must confess,, I am.
Yes, it’s been a wonderfull weekend that pretty much revolved around 3 coughing, snotting, feverish kids. That includes the sweet baby who is, at this very moment, wide awake and contently sitting on my lap chewing unmercifully on his thumb. Everyones fevers are now gone, although the coughing up of phlegm can still be heard. Hopefully tomorrow I do not get more sick and that it will end with the current scratchy throat and slight cough.
Well, baby is now getting a little antsy and is pulling running his fingers through my hair. I think it may be time to put him to bed, and then I will definately Not stay up and work on my header image for this blog some more!
That last part may or may not be true! :)
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
oh, hope they all feel better soon! I’ve never blogged that late either. :)
ahh yes – the joys of staying up late addicted to tweaking our blogs… yea I never do that either!! ; )
hehe…Thanks guys. So far everyone seems to be feeling much better! And I did Not Just crawl out of bed either!
Hope everyone feels better soon!