Best Lunch Box for Hubby?

(Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you click the link and purchase something, I make a very small commission. This does not affect my thoughts on the product and all products that I recommend on my site are ones that I use or have used personally)

Ok, so I’ve always had a hard time thinking of things to pack for my husbands lunches but also, finding something to pack them in. It’s especially difficult if I want to make him a salad, attempting to push more veggies on him. And many times he ends up not eating his lunch because he didn’t feel like it or he ended up going out to eat or someone at work bought everyone lunch. Then we end up with a wasted lunch because it inevitably gets soggy, or gets left in the care or something and then it has to get thrown out. So then I end up feeling like it’s pointless for me to make a lunch for him at all.

That’s where we’ve been the past year or so. Pretty much just him buying lunches at work instead of me making him one. That gets expensive… And he’s decided that he wants to get serious about taking a lunch from home every day. Awesome! Let’s save some money!

So I started with looking up good lunches for husbands/men. Of course there are a lot of foofoo ones that I’m like “really? My man won’t eat that lol!” Then somehow I got onto searching for lunch boxes and found the bento boxes on Amazon.

I ordered a couple different types since I wasn’t sure which one would work best. The cool thing is that they both are great for different things! One is better for fitting a sandwich into plus some other items like veggies with a little cup for putting a dip or salad dressing in. The other bento box is better for salads or other more compact things than a sandwich. It’s nice to have 2 so that I can use the clean one the next day while the other one is getting washed, although they are very easy to wash by hand. It’s also nice if he accidentally leaves one at work, at least I still have the other one.

I’ve found that so far he is eating more of the veggies I’ve included than he used to. I guess using a bento box with all the compartments and stacking, helps give me a few new ideas for lunch items as well!

Here’s the main bento box that I really love so far. The other one is great too and I will post a link to it, but this one has a removable cup with it’s own lid for the dressing or dip, and it has a thin ice pack. You can either put everything on a sandwich and put it in the bottom compartment (It will squish down a bit if you put everything on it), or you can keep the lettuce, tomatoes, etc.. in the top compartment to be assembled later.

Freshmage Salad Container for Lunch with Ice Pack

The buy now button will take you to the Amazon product listing where you can purchase from there.

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