Well, it’s almost 2am and I am still awake. Was planning on going to bed early tonight since the kids all got to sleep earlier than normal (a little before 10) And the hubs went to bed earlier than normal (around 11:30) since he has to leave for work early in the morning. Sooooo, I’ve been having a pretty relaxing evening…Yay me :) But I’ve been having such a nice quiet time that I can’t help but want to stay up!
But anyway, that is not what I was going to t write about tonight. So Nboy is homeschooling 2nd grade this year and we had quite a lot of set backs earlier in the school year. My candle business kind of took over everything until after Christmas, and then I decided to quit that. And so we’ve been playing catch up with his schooling since then.
I am very happy to say that he finished his 2nd Mcguffy reader about a month ago and has been doing at least 2 lessons a day in his Abeka math workbook. This past week he has even been getting his workbook out before I tell him to and starts working on it on his own because he wants to get done with it! lol He said the other day that he wanted to work on math all day! And he actually did about 4 lessons and a test! And then we did a couple lessons and a test the next day. And of course he gets 100% on nearly every test. I love it!
It is nice when you see your child learning things and understanding things that you thought a year ago, might be hard for him to understand, but it is amazing to see how their understanding grows from year to year.
Anyway, so we should be done with math by next month, which is awesome! And for 3rd grade, I anticipate that he will fly through those lessons and be done even sooner since we won’t have the distraction of my candle business in the fall. Although, we will have Ekid doing 1st grade, so that will take up a bit more time onĀ my part. But when Nboy will be able to do much of his work on his own after the initial instruction.
So onward and upward!