Category Archives: Getting Organized

Late Start

Well, I didn’t quite meet my goal today of getting up at 7:30 am, but I have a very good excuse! Caleb, our 3 month old baby, decided to be wide awake from about 12:30 am to 2:30 am. He was a pretty happy boy most of that time, so I was able to finish a candle I had been working on and I got started on a christmas present I’m making for my mom.  At some point in there, I was holding Caleb by the bathroom mirror so he could see himself and he loved it! He smiled and cooed at himself,, it was so cute! He’s been smiling alot lately and even laughed for the first time when daddy tickled him the other day.  I just love babies. I’m pretty sure we’re done having kids, but it’s hard for me to say absolutely no more…….. I know DH(dear hubby) is definately ready to be done but I just can’t bring myself to make it permanant yet.

So I woke up at 11:00 am this morning and had to jump out of bed to hurry and make DH his lunch. He comes home for lunch every day which is a blessing and a curse…lol.   But I am going to jump into doing the FlyLady babysteps starting tonight with shining my sink. I’ll explain a bit more probably tonight, but for now I need to get some more candles done and I have a crying baby strapped onto me. He doesn’t like it when I sit down (-:

Birthday Party-Can I Cry Now?

It’s been one of those days today and now I just feel like crashing. I almost broke down crying a little while ago, and even earlier today I was so upset that I couldn’t even cry! Anyway, you’re wondering “what in the world is she talking about”. Well, one of my boys turned 3 today and I always make them thier own special cake on thier birthday.

Here is how the day usually goes: Me, starting a few days before trying to get the house clean. Me scrambling around the very day of the party trying to finish getting the house clean, plus make a boys birthday cake complete with artwork of the character of choice. Me finally getting done with the cake just as guests are arriving.

Well this time add to that one crying baby half the day, two hyper-active fighting boys, a non-working microwave to soften the butter, a beater that dies right in the middle of mixing the cake. Having to go to the store as soon as hubby gets home from work around 4:30 (party is at 6:30, and we have only one working car),with a screaming baby, to get a new beater so I can mix the buttercream frosting. Egg whites for the frosting won’t whip up like they should.

Oh and don’t forget that I have candles up the whazoo to make…..

Upside to all this, the cake got done and tasted great and since Herbie the Love Bug was the character of choice I was able to just draw his number and racing stripes instead of the whole car like I’d planned. And hubby helped wash dishes and clean the kitchen and bathroom when he got home too, without making disapproving sounds! I’ll skip the several other things that happened that made my day just lovely.

Anywho, I’m glad it’s all over and birthday boy had a fun time and loved his herbie the love bug cake.

So tell me, why do I torture myself like this? It would be so easy to just go buy a cake, but I just can’t do it!

PS. I’ll post the recipe to the cake soon… It was sooooo good!

Herbie Love Bug Birthday Cake
Herbie Love Bug Boy Birthday Cake

End the Chaos!

I’ve decided to end the chaos. I’ve made that decision many times before, but this time will be different! As a stay at home-trying to work-at-home mom with 3 boys (4 if you want to count daddy. hehe) ages 6, almost 3, and 3 months, it can be very difficult, at least for me, to ward off chaos and keep it away. But I know it can be done! There are moms out there,, I know some personally,, That are able to keep a spotless home, homeschool, and have a home business, all at the same time. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true! So I’m embarking on a mission to do this for the sake of my sanity, and my family!

Here are my goals for one month. I will start on these goals officially on Monday, since I will be trying to crash clean for my sons 3rd birthday party and I’ll be gone all weekend. But I will list these goals now and hopefully I’ll be ready to take on this adventure this time with no turning back!

My problem is, that there are so many things and ideas running through my head and so many things that need to be done and things that I want to do. So I try to impliment these things all at once, but it gets too overwhelming, so I end up crashing and burning. So I’m going to list my goals, but then I’m only going to take a few at a time each month. So here they are for this month….

  • Get up by 7:30 am each week day
  • Study Bible every morning
  • Prayer time every morning
  • Add one Fly Lady babystep each day

Now of course I’ll be trying to work on my homemade candles business and doing homeschooling with my oldest every day, but I do have goals that I need to set for those too in order to do them better and more consistantly, but I’m not going to officially start on those untill January.

So here we go. I’ll keep the updates coming and we’ll see how this thing goes!