Category Archives: Getting Organized

The Incredible, Failed, Yard Sale…….

Yard Sale Set upWell, I was all excited for our yard sale we had last week. I posted it on Craigslist early in the week. I posted it on Facebook and on the virtual garage sale Facebook page for our area. I thought having it on Friday and Saturday would help too. I had tons of boys clothes sizes 0-2t, plus some other baby things and miscelaneous stuff.  I thought, surely people will come because of all the baby clothes!

I was wrong…..

Friday, I ended up with a mere $10. Saturday, if you take out the $10 my mom spent on buying some of my leftover soy candles, I made a whopping $14!  Not much to pay back for the long and extremely boring hours my mom and I took turns sitting out there.

So now I still have all those clothes out under that canopy because I haven’t felt like spending the time to go out there and get the rest of them put away. I do not looking forward to bringing all that stuff back into our tiny house.

So my plan is to take some of  the clothes to St. Vinny’s since they will give you a coupon when you donate stuff, and then to take some of the better clothes to Mother Goose Resale because I was told that you can trade your clothes there. I might also want to take the changing table I had for sale and do a consignment.(I just now thought of that one.)

But one thing’s for sure…..I need to get all this stuff out of my house!

And……I am so done with yard sales!

Focus, Focus, Focus…..

Wow, I keep meaning to post updates on here, but good grief, I’ve had a hard time focusing on anything that has to do with the computer or thinking in general lately. I had decided the last two weeks now to focus on getting my house clean 15 min. at a time, and have been doing pretty well at it so far. It’s been a slow process, but I know if I try to do it all at once I get burnt out and it just isn’t pretty. So I’ve tried to commit to doing certain things each day on a regular basis and then add to those things gradually as they become habits. Washing dishes EVERY night is one. This week I’ve pretty much been able to get all the dishes washed (by hand…no dishwasher)each night and have an empty sink in the morning. Then there’s cleaning in each room for 15 min. each, doing 2 loads of laundry each day(which my laundry pile is now significantly down! Yay!).

So then when I try to sit down at the computer, I just feel like I can’t think to do anything. I have several websites I need to get back to work on (my own) and like right now, the kids are not asleep yet. Ugh! This whole last couple of weeks it’s been like this. They just won’t go to sleep earlier. I try to get them to bed by 9, but that just rarely happens and even when I do, they won’t go to sleep. Cman is the biggest culprit since he always needs me in there when he’s going to sleep or else he gets out of bed or starts talking to the other 2 boys or one of the other boys starts making faces at him or something. I don’t know, it’s so maddening I feel like screaming!

The other thing is that we just need a bigger house. 800 square feet and only 2 bedrooms just doesn’t cut it anymore. The boys are growing and there’s so little room that there ends up being way more squabbles and arguing and Nboy who is going on 9 sometimes wants to just be alone so he can draw or read or something and he just can’t really. We have a good size back yard, but still, they play hard and rough and then of course somebody always ends up crying.


I’m just so tired of this cooped up place. Tired of hearing how other peoples kids go to bed so nice and early and no matter what I do, ours have a hard time getting to sleep. I’m sure if they had their own rooms it would be much easier.  I also realize if I got them up early on a regular basis that would help too, but even times that I do get them up early and thought “Oh, they shouldn’t have any trouble going to sleep tonight” inevitably they end up having problems still.

So anyway, I just can’t seem to focus on the house and my business ventures at the same time lately. I used to be able to. Not sure what the deal is……

Well, sorry for the sob story, but it’s what’s on my mind lately. Now I guess I should make sure to dig into my bible and pray about it.

And I guess I should go do something about the boys arguing in the bedroom when they are supposed to be sleeping!

Chalk Drawing at Church Camp

What’s Been Happening in My Life?

Chalk Drawing at Church Camp
Well, we’ve been pretty busy the last couple weeks, actually the last 3 or 4 weeks. The week before last we went to our church camp up near Crater Lake. It was an awesome week and Nboy’s first year in a cabin since he is 8 years old this year. So we only had Ekid and Cman in our tent with us this year! Whoohoo! :)"Adam" Cabin, Nboys Home for the week

It was a great week. I know to some it might sound boring what with the bible classes in the morning and then preaching time and then preaching in the evening as well, but it is definitely not! The whole point of church camp is to draw closer to our Lord and have fellowship with our brothers in sisters in Christ and get away from the cares of the world for a week and to hopefully see lost souls saved. Besides there are other activities during the day and the food is great! ;)

So anyway, it was a wonderful week and I got a bit of a fire lit under me to get my priorities straightened out here at home and have a better attitude in the job God has given me to do.

Of course when we got home, things started going downhill again. Boys started fighting again, like continually, all week! The house was a mess when we got home because of all the packing I was trying to do before camp. So my attitude took a nose dive. Sigh. Thankfully, I Cman peaking out of the tentdid study my bible a lot more last week and by the end of the week, I decided that I had had a stinking attitude all week and that wasn’t going to do. That’s not letting God influence and lead me!

So this week I started fresh. I got up at 6:30 yesterday morning, which is really early for me. Went to bed at 11:30 Sunday night, which is really early for me….. ;) But Sunday night I typed out a list of daily things I need to get done and then yesterday morning I got up, went for a 20 min. walk while the hubby and kids were still asleep. Then I got back to a quiet house and sat down to study my bible for a bit. Then I swish and swiped my bathroom toilet and sink(it’s a Flylady thing). Then put some clothes in the wash and other clothes in the dryer and then when the hubby got up for work a little before 8, I made myself a healthy smoothie for breakfast.

The first half of the day went great and I actually got a lot done on my to do list for the day but then I started feeling sick…..
And I felt worse last night and so this morning I did not get up early and I’ve felt puny all day with a wonderful cold. I did get 15 min. each of cleaning done in the kitchen and bathroom and washed a lot of dishes and put clothes in the wash, so my day wasn’t totally Ekid looking for another place to grafitti with chalk!unproductive, but I could have done so much more if I wasn’t feeling lousy. Oh well, seems that’s usually how things go with me and I just better trudge through it and pray that I get to feeling better soon!

So that’s what’s been going on the last few weeks. I’ll post my daily list maybe tomorrow. I still need to print it out and put it in a sheet protector so I can use a dry erase marker to mark things off as I go.

But I really want to get this organization thing going and keep it going. I’m so tired of a messy house and not feeling like I can do anything with my home business when I have housework looming over my head. I really, really want to get a bigger house too. This place is so small it makes me want to scream! 3 boys in one bedroom is just not cool at bedtime!

Well, good night all!

Train Up a Child…..

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”  Proverbs 22:6

So I’m always thinking about how I want my 3 boys to be when they grow up. Now I know they are all going to have their own unique personality, but I think about how I want them to be respectful, polite, good with money, and how to treat their wives if and when they get married.  I really want my boys to grow up to be Men.

I think about how men have been downgraded and sissyfied, if you want to call it that, in our day and age. I want my boys to be Men in that they look at women as special and appreciate the qualities that God gave women in order to compliment her husband. As Adam said about Eve “this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh” and as God says for the man to “love your wives even as Christ loved his church and gave himself for it” A man that is willing to make sacrifices in his own life in order to provide for his family. I want them to realize the role that God has given them and embrace it and fulfil that role because they love the Lord first of course, and because they love their wives and family.

I’ve seen men that aren’t afraid to love their wives and show it. Not just in words, but in actions mostly. Men who aren’t afraid to take charge and be a leader. I admire that and appreciate that because this world is going farther and farther away from that.  I know my boys aren’t going to grow up to be perfect, but I really, really want them to grow up being even better servants of the Lord at an earlier age than me or their dad. Of course that means that as parents we have to show forth the example. We have to live it in front of them, and we have to do that from a young age. If there are things lacking, we had better fix them with God’s help, now, while our children are still young, because if we set a double standard and then try to change that once they are 13, 14, 15 years old, they’ve already been largely influenced and damaged by our poor example.

Just as your children will grow up and more than likely show forth your bad example even more in their own lives, so also will the good things show forth if you have been a good example to them. Sometimes we go through this life on auto pilot, not really thinking about how even the little things affect our children. For example: Being organized at home and keeping a clean house. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t seem like that’s a huge deal, but, I know how hard it is for me to focus and be organized on a regular basis. Other women I know are really great at it!


Well, it may have some to do with personality. I do know one or two who grew up in messy homes and they themselves are very neat. But I believe that much of it comes down to training. I don’t think it was really ingrained in me when I was young about keeping things organized. Sure I had to clean my room sometimes, but it wasn’t a consistent thing, especially as I got to be a teenager. I believe if I were to set the example and then really enforce in my boys about picking up after themselves consistently, every day, and cleaning their room and so forth, it will make it much easier for them to do those things out of habit when they are adults.

And that’s the thing. We should want to make it easier for our kids to make the right decisions in their lives and that comes down to our example and then enforcing the training part of it even in the “little” things. Because even if I set a good example, if I don’t make my boys clean their rooms or pick up after themselves consistently, then they aren’t learning much!

So, all these little things like cleaning their room, saying please and thank you, saying sorry, shaking hands at church, looking at someone when they are being spoken to……etc….. All these things are very important. It’s called respect, and I think that’s one of the most important things we can teach. If they don’t respect others then how are they going to respect God? If they don’t respect others, then how are they going to show forth love?

Just some things I think about with my boys. I think they are off to a good start though, at least when it comes to girls and respect. All three of them have always been so careful with little girls and always wanting to help them and be nice to them. I have more work to do on being a good example in the organizational area, but I’m working on that ;)

Woman Vs. Rat……

So we’ve had a rat in the house for a couple weeks now and have yet to get rid of it. I’m sure he has to be the smartest rat I’ve ever encountered! I tried putting rat poison under the kitchen cabinets, right where he’s been seen running into, but still he lives….

Next I remembered I had some sticky no kill mouse traps, and, realizing they probably weren’t going to accomplish much, I tried putting 2 of them down anyway right in his path. Nope…still didn’t work, he just pushed them aside as he ran through.

So finally we remembered to get a rat trap at the store almost a week ago now. I thought I was being smart and so I put the rat trap along the wall of the cabinets right where his entrance is, and then I put two sticky traps in front of it to maybe slow him up a bit. Next morning I find one sticky trap missing, the rat trap and the other sticky trap pushed aside.

Later I hear him thrashing around or something behind the refrigerator I think. I’m sure that rat got that sticky trap stuck to him lol and then for almost a week, we didn’t hear anything from him so I’m thinking he couldn’t move around very well so he died, or he went outside and stayed out. I kept the rat trap in place the whole time, but it never moved. Since the one sticky trap went missing, my husband took to calling the rat “Sticky Fred”.

So tonight I made peanut butter cookies. There were about 8-10 of them up on top of the stove on the cooling rack after I had one and gave 2 to the boys.

We were all in the living room watching a movie and the boys and their dad wrestling around and the boys kept saying they were hearing something in the kitchen. I thought I heard something one time too, so as I’m getting them ready for bed after the movie, I go into the kitchen and notice that there are only 2 cookies left!! And guess what I hear under the kitchen cabinets….yes, the telltale shuffling around of a rat.

At first I my husband thought maybe it was the dog. No, our dog is older and he was innocently sound asleep in the back room ( by the kitchen) and he would have made A LOT more noise if he had tried to get up there.

Besides, his breath didn’t smell like peanut butter………..

I’m pretty sure I know how he got up on the stove, but I would never have guessed that he would be able to take that many cookies! The little stinker! So the rat trap went back down (I had put it away just the day before yesterday) and guess what I used as bait ?  ;)
If you have any other ways to get rid of a rat, please share!! lol

Taking a few “Sun” days….

So Friday, Monday and today, we’ve been taking some “Sun” days from home schooling(you know, instead of “Snow” days, since we don’t get much snow here in the valley ). It has been raining so much this past month that I decided to just let them play outside most of the day the last few days while I get some spring cleaning done in the house and some yard work and flower planting done outside.

My house still is in need of more organisation, but I’ve got Mount Washmore almost eradicated, and the living room and dining room are mostly cleared and swept and vacuumed and dishes all got done yesterday so I don’t have so many to do tonight. Feels good to be able to be able to get outside and plant some flowers too. I can’t wait till they start blooming!

It is raining now again. Started just as I was finishing up outside.Good old Oregon lol

So my next project is to start on the garden out back. I want to get some planting soil and raise the area up and put a border around it to keep it contained. Then I’m planning on planting some corn, carrots, beans and tomatoes. My goal is to plant things that I can easily freeze for the winter, with the exception of the tomatoes.  I have a dream of having property some day, but for now, I’ll have to pretend to homestead here in town :)

Well, hope you all are having a wonderful productive Spring so far!