Category Archives: Getting Organized

Trials of Motherhood

Do you ever get an idea to write something, but then hesitate to post it because you got the idea from someone elses blog post? I’m not even talking about posting the exact same thing.You see, I have always had this fear of being a “follower” and people looking at me as such, but at the same time, I have never really tended to be an open “leader” either. I’ve usually just sat on the side lines, afraid to do anything for fear of people looking at me one way or another.

This is how I felt when I read a post by a fellow blogger whom I have been following(oops,hehe) for the past month or so. What she wrote is so true and I can completely identify with her, and I sympathize.  I read her posts and think “now why can’t I write like that?”. It’s one of those things where I used to be able to easily think of things to write like, stories, poems, etc…..back when I was in high school!  But now I sit here and strain to think of something clever, feeling like Pooh Bear when he’s tapping his head saying “Think, think, think”.  And then just before an idea has a chance to pop out, one of my children comes running  in to bug me(this really happened, just now, as I type!), or the baby wakes up, or the hubby wants me to help him with something, or get him something, or the phone rings, or the dog barks, or, or, or…….. Anyway, sorry, got a little carried away!

(again, another interruption!) So anyway, this is not what this post was going to be about. I was going to write about the trials of motherhood. AllisonO is a new mom, and she wrote about her failed accomplishments as of late, and as I said, I can totally and completely identify. I have 3 kids now, ages 6,3, and 7 months, and I think about how if I only had one(sorry, another interruption, but I’m back now!)now, I’d so be able to keep my house nice and clean and keep only fresh food in the fridge, and get dinner on time, and be able to do many of the things I do now, with not so much stress. Of course when we had our first child, that was definately Not the case! lol   It’s tough being a new mom. So many things to adjust to.  You’d think that I’d have some sort of system down by now. I don’t.  I still struggle with keeping it together. I still struggle with everything that AllisonO had on her list.  (Well whad’ya know, Baby is awake now)

The thing is, though, that I refuse to give up trying, even though there are many days when I throw my hands in the air and say” I give up”. The next day, I’m back in the saddle again.

I think if we are honest with ourselves, we will see the things that we need to change in order to have some order in our lives, even with a house full of kids. It can be done. There are moms out there that have proved it can be done!

My problem is priorities, and staying on task.  I really believe that if I were to quit trying on my own and just put God first, He would help me with my chaos!  That means studying every day. That means praying every day and not just at meal times. That means, asking Him to help me when I’m feeling overwhelmed, and truly asking, not just a quick “Lord help me” and not really believing He will.

I also have a problem with having too many things going on at once! For some reason, I feel like I always have to try and Do everything! Let’s see, a husband, 3 kids, a candle business, a blog, 2 other websites that need some more work, and let’s add to that homeschooling too while we’re at it! Yet I can’t seem to part with any of it, so I am on a mission to fit everything in, God, family, and homeschooling being at the top of the list of course, and just do a little at a time with the rest.  A little here and there is better than not doing anything at all, which is usually what ends up happening, at least with the house work anyway.

As the Flylady would say, “set your timer for 15 minutes! Right now”

Well, maybe I’ll just do that! haha

Friday Follow Blog Hop & Fun Game!

Hey, I just found this blog hop! Link on up and check out others links too! I don’t have an actual interesting post for you to read to go along with this, but I’ll be putting up a new post a little later that I’m sure you’ll enjoy! Thanks, and Have Fun Hopping!

Actually, I just thought of something fun to do with this! I played this game on a message board a few times and it’s called “First Word to Come to Mind”

I’ll give a word, and then the first person to comment will write the first word that comes to your mind when you read my word. Then the next person will look at the word of the comment above them and write the first word that comes to thier mind and so on….. I hope that wasn’t too confusing! And, since this is a family friendly site, please keep it clean :)

So, My word is:  Smile

And here is the blog hop list! Feel free to add your blog link!

The Cool Thing I Was Going To Tell You About

Well, I told you I was going to tell you about something really cool that I stumbled across a week ago, so I’m going to get right to it. I must confess, I thought about keeping it to myself, but then I felt a bit guilty. It felt like something that needed to be shared because it could possibly help someone, so here goes.

I have become a Turker. What?? I know that’s what you’re thinking!
Amazon Mechanical Turk. That’s where I’ve been spending some time lately while nursing Baby or holding him, and late at night when I have nothing better to do. In 6 days I’ve made about $30+. Now it may not seem like much, but hey,, I’m excited! I was thinking $2 a day would be cool, just doing it in my spare time, but I’ve managed to average $5 a day, easily! That’s $150 extra dollars a month! That’s mostly done while nursing Baby sitting at the computer,, or just holding him when he’s cranky!

So I thought I’d share this, because I finally found an easy way to make a little extra cash very quickly. Some people even make quite a bit putting more effort into it.  It definately isn’t a get rich quick thing, but if your budget is pretty tight and you need a quick way to make some extra money to cover a bill or two, or just to have some extra cash to go do something fun, this could definately be for you!

So  you’re probably thinking ” You still haven’t said what this Turk thing really is”. Well, it is part of, and what you do is, you work on small jobs called “hits”.  Now people or companies post jobs there and pay from .01 and up, per job.  Sometimes you can find surveys that will pay around .25, but the best and easiest ones are the hits that pay from .01-.15 per hit. I’ve worked mostly on ones that have thousands of hits you can do for .01-.05 each and you just accept the hit and take a few seconds to complete it and then accept the next one and so on. Even though it’s just pennies, they rack up pretty fast if you find easy hits.  Then the person, or company that you are doing the hits for, pays you through Amazon and it goes into your Amazon account where you can either have it deposted into your bank account, or you can turn it into  an gift certificate and use it in the Amazon store. The payout threshhold is low, only $10.00, so once you reach $10, you can request payment.

An example of a hit that I’ve done that paid .15 per hit: The task was to find the professional web page of a professor at a university. They give you the link for the Google search for that professor, so you just click on the link and it takes you to the Google search listings. You find the professors web page and then enter a few details on the hit page, and you’re done. Then you go to the next hit for another professor, and so on.

There are lots of different jobs you can do at Amazon Mechanical Turk. surveys, quizzes, translating, transcribing, and much more. The higher paid ones many times either require more skills to complete, or they are sometimes scams(these are fairly easy to identify and you can report them to Amazon)

So there you have it. I was nice and didn’t keep this one all to myself!

Like This Blog? Vote For Me!

Hey all, I just want to direct your eyes to the left hand column where you’ll see a button for Top Mommy Blogs. If you click that button, you can cast a vote for this blog! I would love it if you all would help me get to the top of the list there on Top Mommy Blogs. So, If you enjoy my blog, please cast your vote! I would be soooooo ecstatic if you would and sooooooo appreciative! You can also cast your vote for Top Baby Blogs too!

Thanks a Bunch!

I’m Still Here… Really!

Sorry I haven’t posted for a bit, but I’ve been a little preoccupied! I’m not going to tell you about it right now because we need to get ready for bible study pretty soon, but I’ll get to it later tonight. I stumbled across something pretty cool a few days ago! I’ll also be posting the Favorite Things Tuesday later tonight too, so stay tuned!

By the way, we had a great Easter, and the kids have already devoured all thier candy!LOL

Happy Easter!!

I hope everyone has a wonderfull Easter this weekend! And even with all the hoopla about the Easter bunny and candy and egg hunts,, let’s remember what Easter is really all about. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who suffered a horrible death on the cross for each and every one of us! But that’s not all! He also rose from the grave and now sits on the right hand of the Father! He died for your sins, and if you haven’t done so already, all you have to do is repent of your sin and trust in Jesus! He paid a great penalty so that we could have this free gift of eternal life!
John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him,I am the way, the Truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Luke 24:6″He is not here, for He is risen….”

And now I must go and finish getting ready to go to my parents house. Plus it’s hard to think with a crying baby on your lap!

Happy Easter!