Category Archives: Favorite Things Tuesday-Weekly Meme

Favorite Things Tuesday-My Neighborhood

Ok, I must admit. I had to pull this one out of my,,uh,, a  hat,, but here it is. And I am very sorry it is late. I know it says Favorite Things Tuesday, but this is going to have to be Favorite Things Wednesday this week, ok? :)   I also realize that I forgot to let you know in advance what this weeks theme was, but hey, that’s just the way it’s been for me lately, so just cut me some slack this time! Just kidding,, really (:   And you know, I just can’t ever remember which direction that smiley face is supposed to be in order to show up here as a smiley face…hmmm… Anyway, without further ado..

Ok, my favorite things about my neighborhood.  I love that we have great neighbors.  You would think that this street and this part of town wouldn’t be the best place to live, but we really do have great neighbors and have never had problems with them.  We even live right between two rentals and one of them is a duplex, but the renters have all been great!  We have lived in several other places before, and this is the best spot we’ve been in neighbor wise.

I love that we can walk to the park, and actually there are two parks close enough to walk to. We can walk to the stores if we need to, like when 2 of your vehicles are broke down and you’re 8 months pregnant, pushing a stroller with a 5 year old riding in the seat and a 2 year old riding down below in the storage basket…… Yes that really happened. We even had to walk down to the urgent care one night because of an ear infection. Now that was a bit too far, but I made it and I didn’t go into labor! 

I love that there is a pet store right across the road from us and Dominoes Pizza is also right across the street. Everything is pretty much in walking distance. I don’t always want to live in town, but that is a plus side to it.

Well, that’s it for me! Now it’s your turn!

Favorite Things-My Town

I’ve lived here for about 9.5 years. I moved from Oregon City, where I grew up, when my husband I got married. For a few years, I would get homesick for my home town where I grew up. Every time we would go visit my parents, I would see all the old places and the countryside and all those flood of memories and really, really miss the place. 

Now, though, I can honestly say that where we live now is where I want to be.  I think it happened when we moved farther south for about 3 years and then came back because it just wasn’t working out. God wanted us here, I truly believe.  Once we came back, I realized that I wasn’t home sick for where I had grown up anymore. This town feels like home now, and I love it!  I love that there are so many parks and they are very well kept.  It seems like almost anywhere you live in town, it is most likely within walking distance to a park. 

A Tree Shadow at the Park

NBoy Playing at the Park 

Big Tree at the Park

I love that it isn’t a huge town, but it  has 2 of almost every fast food place and it has all the big stores like Fred Meyer, Safeway, Target, Sears. There are an abundance of restaurants to choose from like Izzys, Mongolian, several Chinese places, several Mexican places, Sizzler, Denny’s and many more!

I love that the country with it’s hay fields during the summer is just a couple minutes drive away. I love the smell of the smoke of burning fields in the summer too!  Someday I hope we can afford to have property again and live in the country.  That is my only regret, and the thing I still really miss from my childhood. But I would want it to be here in this town.

I love all the beautifull trees here, even in town! I love that we are known as the “Grass Seed Capitol of the World”, even if that means the pollen count can go through the roof! haha   It’s a good thing I don’t have major allergies!  I love the smell of fresh cut grass and hay!  I love that our town is right by the river.

Ok, I could go on a bit more, but I think that’s long enough. Now it’s your turn!  What’s your favorite thing about your town?  Blog about it and then come back here and post the link to your blog post!

Favorite Things Tuesday-My Childhood

Me and Sandy my Arabian HorseAhhh, I have lots of great memories of my childhood. I think my most favorite thing, though, was riding and showing horses. Especially just going out for a ride around the property on my little Arab gelding. We bought him when I was 10 or 11. We had other horses, but he was the first one that was my very own. He had been a great show horse before he came to us and I had him for 2 years before I started showing him. He taught me so much! He was so patient even when I didn’t always treat him the nicest, thinking something he was doing wrong was his fault and not my own. 


Me and Sandy My Arabian Horse

Once I started taking lessons on him, I learned that he was the smart one, not me. He knew so much more than I did, and my instructor taught me to find the right buttons. Once I did, we just came together and he did anything I asked of him! Just thinking about that horse is bringing tears to my eyes right now.  We did so well the second year I showed him, but by that time I was outgrowing him and had gotten a yearling to train. So we sold Sandy. I got to give lessons to the girl that bought him for awhile, but she never went as far as she could have with him. It made me so sad. They just never did click. But he was a wonderfull horse for her younger siblings and they took awesome care of him untill he died at the ripe old age of 30 I believe, possibly a little older.  

I still remember racing across the field with the wind blowing through our hair. Feeling like we were flying! And then just sitting there on his back under the trees at the end of the field, daydreaming. Dreaming about riding show jumpers and soaring over the jumps. Thinking about some boy I had a crush on. Talking to Sandy  and telling him my thoughts.  The wonderfull, sweet smell of horse, sweat and leather.  Yes, those were the days!  Oh how I miss that!

Next week- Favorite things about: Your Town

Well, now that I’ve been reduced to tears! It’s your turn! Tell us what your favorite thing about your childhood is and post your link below. Read the Rules Here

Favorite Things Tuesday- Spring/Summer

I absolutely, positively, cannot wait untill summer! I love it when we get to move the clocks forward because it stays light later and that has to be right up there at the top of my favorite things about summer!  For the last couple weeks it has smelled so much like spring that it just makes me want to go for walks in the evening,, if only it wasn’t still so chilly out. :)  

I can’t wait to get our back yard tilled up and planted so we can have a nice new grassy yard to play on this summer!  I just love being able to lay down on the grass and feel the breeze and just daydream… reminds me of my younger days when things were more carefree. 

I love seeing all the trees in bloom and the daffodils popping up everywhere!

Rose Bush Budding Leaves

I love the spring fragrances. The other day our family went to my brothers engagement party. The restaurant sat right by a creek and as we walked by I could smell the sweet smell of some tree that reminds me of my parents house growing up. Every spring I would catch that fragrance drifting through the air and wonder what kind of tree that was. I did figure out that it was the leaves of a this particular tree that smelled so sweet. The fragrance only comes in the spring time.  Anyone know?  I suppose I could just Google it,,hehe.

Another thing I love about summer, is that the sun rises so early. I’ve never been a morning person and I usually do not drag myself out of bed that early, but I love the idea of it!LOL.  When I used to show horses, I would usually get up before sunrise or right at sunrise in the summer to get ready to go.  I love those memories! Great times those were!  The warmth even so early in the morning,, the chirping of the birds, the smell of horses and leather ,,,, Ahhhhh………………..

Anyway! I’m back to earth now :)  So even though this blog is still so new, I’m going to attempt a bloggy carnival or meme(I think thier the same thing)! I’ve been trying to think of a theme for one and I think this is perfect.

 Just write a post on your blog about your favorite things about spring/summer and



  1. include a link to this meme in your post(see below), and then
  2. add the link to that post here with MrLinky Inlinkz below.
  3. You could also include some pictures in your blog post too, but it’s not required!

Copy and paste this code into your Favorite Things blog post:

<a href=””>Favorite Things Tuesday</a>. A Weekly Meme @ <a href=”>The Mom Venture Blog</a>. Come join the fun!

Like I said, this is a pretty new blog and so I’m taking a chance here of not getting much participation(if any), but  if you are reading this, I would really, really, really love it if you would humor me and play along! :)

Next Weeks Theme: Favorite Things about Your Childhood

Post Your Link Below