Category Archives: Micellaneous

Grease Stains in Clothes….What not to use……

So, we went to this new mexican restaurant the other night that we hadn’t been to before. I won’t go into the restaurant review here…that’s another post…..but it wasn’t great. On the way home, I had the take out box sitting on my lap which I’ve done countless times before when we’ve gone out to eat. On our  way home my husband looks over at my leg and says “Uh, you’re not going to be happy about that” I look down and there is a huge grease spot on my fairly new jeans!

The bottom takeout box had leaked all over because it happened to have little perforated hole things that you can punch out on each corner that I hadn’t noticed til I looked to see how it was leaking, and guess what? That side of the box is supposed to be on top. I have never had a box like that before and have always wondered which side is right side up unless they have little dividers in them. Great!

So as soon as we get home I take off the pants and didn’t have any Shout which is what I normally use for stuff like that, and grabbed the OxiClean.

I used 1 scoopful of Oxiclean and about 1 gallon of water and soaked my jeans in it for several hours. Then I rinsed the jeans since I wasn’t able to use my washing machine that night (we had a construction project going on in our laundry room) and let them soak in just water for the rest of the night.

Then the next day I washed them in the washing machine, stuck them in the dryer and this is what came out…….

Grease stain in jeans that Oxiclean couldn't get out

Note to self…..Oxiclean does not work well for grease stains in clothes.

Our new restaurant experience is now complete……


I was at church camp last week and was telling a sister in our church about this…..ordeal…..And she said I should have used Dawn Dish Soap for fresh grease stains! I never thought of that, but it totally makes sense! Kind of a Duh moment, but next time I know what to do now :)

Andy Griffith Passed Away Today

I just learned that Andy Griffith passed away this morning. So sad to see him go. I was a big fan of his shows. I loved the Andy Griffith Show, Matlock and others that he played in. I enjoyed Matlock even as a young kid. I’d always wait for Perry Mason to get over so I could watch Matlock! lol.

All things come to an end eventually. Andy professed to know Christ, so If he really did, I know I’ll see him again one day, and then in person! Here’s a link to a cnn article about his death and burial this morning:

My prayers go out to his family and friends.




Baby (who is 2.5 now) comes out of his bedroom, diaperless, saying ” I didn’t poop on the floor mommy”
Me: “you didn’t poop on the floor?”
Baby: “No”
Me (very suspicious now): “Did you poop on the floor?”
Baby: “No”
Me (as I’m walking to his room, careful to watch for poop): “Did you pee on the floor?”
Baby: “No, I not pee on the floor, I peed on the wall”

Sure enough, he had peed on the wall while looking out his bedroom window………The joys of potty training……

March: In Like a Lion…..

Snow in MarchWell, here I am in the valley here in Oregon and it is March first and, no, not raining, no,no, no, it is Snowing!  Here I was so longing for summer to arrive, and now I’m all excited about the snow again! haha, well, I guess I’m kinda fickle that way. It’s rare that we get a good snow around here, so for those of us snow lovers, it’s exciting if there is even snow in the rain!  My snow loving roots go way back, through my dad. My mom was kind of a snow party pooper. Every family has at least one! My husband falls into the snow party pooper category :)  Oh well. I’m trying to instill the love of snow into my kids so that they can pass it on to their kids and so on down the line ;)

My dad used to wake me up if it started snowing late at night to see it. One time (maybe more than once, I don’t know) he woke me up and it was 2am and I thought it was time to get up for school, but no, he just wanted to show me that it was snowing! lol

So I tried that with my boys a little bit ago (1:30 am), and Nboy sort of sat up and looked out the window, then went right back to sleep. Ekid just shook his head when I asked him if he wanted to see all the snow, and just went back to sleep…. LOL party poopers!  I didn’t bother waking little C up, cause then he’d want to crawl in bed with me and I just wasn’t ready to go to bed yet.

So anyway, I just was so excited about the snow we’ve been getting for the past hour and a half, I just had to share :)  Good Night!

I may or may not…..

be taking a break this week. Oh, that’s right I already have been! Let’s see, it’s Wednesday and this is the first post of the week. Oh well. I’ve been feeling sick this week and been pretty busy, so I just haven’t felt much like writing. Or maybe it’s that I just haven’t felt much like thinking, which in turn translates to not blogging. So I’m not sure if I’m going to post for the rest of the week. I’ve been having a headache and nausea since Monday and it just will not go away. I’ve tried the usual Ibuprofen which usually works with my headaches. I tried Aleve and that didn’t work. I tried sleeping in this morning to get more sleep after I took Ibuprofen, and still, I woke up nauseous. Now I know you’re thinking.. pregnant? I pretty sure I’m not because aunt flow just left like 2 days ago. If this doesn’t go away by tonight, though, I think I will be getting a preggo test just to make sure. I don’t want to be taking Ibuprofen and stuff like that if I am.

Anyway, that’s what’s going on with me this week…..So I’ll try and post something more, but don’t hold your breath :)