Category Archives: Micellaneous

OSU vs. Boise State…..Yikes!

Well, it’s game day for the Oregon State Beavers today. My husband was going to take NBoy and Ekid with him to a friends house to watch the game, but then the neighbor boy came over and really wanted Nboy to stay and play, so reluctantly I said okay. This is Nboy’s first time having a neighbor kid to play with right next door and they’ve been playing almost every day and he is thoroughly enjoying having a friend so close. So I just couldn’t say no.

So now I’m hoping Baby will take a nice long nap, and Nboy and his friend will kind of stay out of my hair so I can get the back yard rototilled (how in the world do you spell that word?).

My husband has been so nervous for this game. The Beavs are up against Boise State and playing on their blue turf. Can you believe someone actually donated tons of blue paint so they could paint a practice field blue to prepare for this game? LOL  I guess you do what you have to to have an edge!

So if the Beavers don’t win, I’m going to have a very dejected husband later tonight.

I’m not looking forward to that. I am looking forward to having a nice quiet house in a little bit, and a few hours not hearing Nboy and Ekid fighting, though.

I’m also looking forward to tilling up the back yard and getting it planted with grass in a couple days! It’s been bare for too long. I want a nice green yard! Of course that means I’ll have to start picking up the dogs poop……

But it’ll probably be worth it…..

Maybe I’ll make Nboy do it……

So who do you think will win? OSU or Boise State, or do you even care? :)

Oh, yes, and this is our wonderful dog King……

King, our dog


Sunday night I went to the grocery store after church. Ekid & Baby both stayed home sick with daddy, so I just had Nboy with me(Nice!).

Don’t you just love the Fall?

Really, I do love Fall, but after having more than one child,I dread it for this very reason. All summer everyone’s fine and healthy. Fall hits and “BAM” those stinkin’ little germs just come out of hibernation. Then it’s all winter of one kid or another waking up in the middle of the night coughing, hacking, snotting, etc… Which no amount of cold medicine,water, hot steam, vicks vaporub or even honey can fix! And it really doesn’t matter if you home school or send your kids to public school….They still pick up the germs from somewhere.

So back to the store.(sorry, I get sidetracked easily)

Nboy is with me and normally is the calm one when he’s the only one with me, but ,Phew!, That night he had issues. I blame his dad for that…Talk about hyper. He just wouldn’t settle down! Plus he was just being a little goof ball. It was like he was so tired, that he just couldn’t help himself.

But still, that wasn’t the point of this story…

We got our stuff and went to the “Family Friendly” checkout line, which is the one I almost always go to. Now, the kids and I are on the WIC program. If you don’t know what that is, just go here.(and please come back afterwords :) )

So I had my regular groceries, and then 4 WIC vouchers. As the checker is ringing things up, a line starts to accumulate behind me. Directly behind me is an elderly woman with only one or two things of milk (I think it was only one).

I always feel bad when I have WIC vouchers because it takes longer since the checker has to ring them up seperately. So I’m feeling really bad anyway for all these people waiting on me!

Now I noticed that every time I leaned forward slightly, or took a step forward to swipe my card, or rearrange something in the cart, or NBoy would move the cart, every time I’d go to step back where I was, I’d bump into this woman’s cart! So by the time the checker was doing my last voucher, this woman’s cart is up by the credit card machine and I’m pushed clear up almost past the checker! It was incredible! I guess she thought It would go faster if she pushed me along a bit! LOL

The funny thing is that I have no idea why she didn’t just go to the self checkout or the express lane in the first place!

I was a little irritated at first when I left, but then it just struck me as funny. No point in getting mad at something so silly. I wouldn’t have liked standing in line forever If I only had two items(of course I would have just gone to the self checkout in the first place) :)

Sorry for the mess!

Dear reader(s),

I’m truly sorry for…..

Oh, wait, I almost forgot. This is the “Disorganized Mom Blog” so I guess I don’t have anything to be sorry for!

Anyway, just because this is a “Disorganized Mom Blog” doesn’t mean I like being unorganized! So I’m in the process of trying to clean things up a bit…hmm, sounds like something I say about my house all the time….yet it never seems to get finished….. But,But, I will be finishing this!

I have a plan!

And this blog will be Beautiful!

And organized!

So please bear(bare?) with me as I change things up and get things looking all spiffy and shiny, and then when it’s done I may just have a blog warming party with some sort of prize to celebrate!

Thank you!

Speaking of spiffy….

The Boys-Ekid,Nboy,Baby

Twinkie meet husband…..

Last night Chris was watching a movie,sitting on the couch on the other side of the livingroom, I was in the kitchen, and he calls “Miss,(my nickname), did you eat the last Twinkie?”

Me: “No”

Chris: “can you bring it to me?”

Me: “Another Twinkie?!” (he’s had two already)

So I grab the last Twinkie, walk to the edge of the livingroom, do an over hand toss, and that Twinkie hurls across the livingroom at a speed I had not intended, and smacks Chris right smack dab in the face! I seriously was not aiming for his face!

I could not help but laugh so hard as he’s sitting there holding his face, pretending, of course, to be hurt.

Moral of the story…..Twinkies go alot faster than you think, so be careful with your aim! :)

Unforgiveable Sin-Forgetting the Camera…..

So I guess I still need have a ways to go with this whole blogging thing. I mean, how do other bloggers do it? Do they have the camera strapped to thier head or something? Always snapping those perfect shots with which to revolve a very interesting, touching, funny, witty, blog post around.  I don’t know… there must be a trick to it. I guess I just need to stick the thing in my person or something and never take it out! :)

So I had gone to the State Horse Fair to watch my former riding instructor’s granddaughter ride and guess what? I brought the camera…..BUT….I had left the memory card in the computer at home!!! I was so looking forward to getting some great horse shots to post and also to use as reference photos for paintings. Oh, well, there’s always next year…


We got free passes to the Clackamas County Fair and so we went on Saturday with my mom. Guess what? I forgot to bring the camera altogether that time!!! I was so mad at myself! I was going to write a post about our fun time at the fair, but, you know what? It’s just not the same without pictures! But we did have a great time! The last time my husband and I went to a fair was 2 years ago and we had to pay(which was outrageous for the little podunk fair we went to…).  But this time a friend gave us some free passes, so we drove the hour+ to get there and took my mom with us since she lives up there and we had an extra ticket because we found out Nboy was still free to get in…Whoohoo!  So many memories…. I grew up in Clackamas County, and showed my horses in 4-H there. I miss those days and I wish I was giving riding lessons again and going and watching my students at fair and helping them get ready for thier classes…..Ahhh, it can be hard growing up!  Maybe someday….

So anyway, other than the fact that I forgot my camera, we had a great time! Both Nboy and Ekid went on a few rides and had…a….blast! Nboy had been on rides once before, and this was Ekids very first time. Baby, of course, was content just walking while pushing the stroller or sitting and playing with the grass :)

Oh, yes, and both the older boys got to buy thier own wooden Yo-Yo for only $1 each. Awesome Yo-yo’s! Much better than the plastic one they had that my mom bought for $3…

I Love the Clackamas County Fair!