Category Archives: Micellaneous

Comment Spam…Seriously?

So, for your entertainment (because many of these have been fairly entertaining to me) I thought I’d post some of the comments I’ve been getting in my spam box. First off, if you don’t have Akismet spam filter for your blog or message board, GET IT INSTALLED! It works awesome! I’ve never had a spam comment get through, although I have had to unmark a comment as spam on occasion, but I’d much rather do that than have to have some of the real spam get through onto my blog!

So here are some of the very bright things that spammers post, and I just sit back and shake my head and think ” Seriously? Do you really think I’m going to let that comment onto my blog?”

Now, sometimes I get comments that I know are purely for the back link, but they seem fairly general and kind of go with the post. Occasionally I let those slide if I’m really feeling generous :)

So here we go:

Post: Birthday Party-Can I Cry Now?

“This is seriously horrifying – I had no idea! I really don’t like the loss of that beautiful old-fashioned language. it genuinely upsets me to think of them not reading it all in the original. Thanks for the heads up!”

Really? Now what in the world does that post have to do with old-fashioned language? LOL

Post: Garage/Yard sale tips-What I learned

“thought it was going to be some boring old post, but it really compensated for my time. I will post a link to this page on my blog. I am sure my visitors will find that very useful.”

Well, I’m sure glad I compensated for your time! I haven’t received any trackbacks for this, so I assume no link was posted to thier blog…. By the way, they didn’t even use a blog web address when commenting.

Post: Makeshift dinner of the week! & Linkup!

“I would not do it. You need an air vent to remove the heat from the stovetop and, more importantly, the oven. When I had an over the stove microwave, I needed to turn on the vent fan when I used the oven to prevent messing up the microwave.”

Oh my goodness, I didn’t know microwaving tortillas in butter was a bad idea, or had anything to do with the stovetop. I don’t even have an over the stove microwave! LOL

Post: Not Me Monday-

“It is a good thing for you to have tried car rentals. It’s one option to consider if you don’t own a car yet. If you are hesitant to ask a friend to borrow his car then this would be best option. You can be secure plus you won’t hesitate to use it since you are paying good amount of money for it.”

I honestly did not know that I had tried car rentals? :)

Well, I hope you enjoyed the humor!

Have you had some pretty humerous comment spam? Go ahead an share below! I’d love a good laugh!

Out of hiding…

Well, I don’t know what to say. That’s been the problem lately, and why I haven’t posted anything. I just feel like I don’t have anything interesting to say, or like I’m wasting my time sitting here at this computer. I really hate that. I go along really good for awhile and then…BAM…. I’ve lost interest, or I’ve lost the motivation and I quit altogether, at least for awhile. I mean, how hard is it to just make a point to write even just 1 or 2 days a week?

So I’m blaming it on the fact that, well, yes, I am just an unorganized wreck, BUT,, It is really tough with 3 kids. Much tougher than with just two. 3’s a crowd? Yes,,, Yes it is. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE my baby. He’s been a very good baby, it’s just I feel like I’ve been in a kind of survival mode ever since he was about 4 months old and started staying awake for longer periods during the day. The first few months were GREAT. He slept much of the time and so there were many times that it was like I only had two kids again :)  Now I feel like I just want to stop and not do anything until he is walking, sleeping all night in his own room and going to bed at least by 10pm!

Anyway, I know I could avoid at least feeling depressed by all this if I’d just prioritize and organize.  I’ve gotten a bit motivated by Allison O’s Tuesday post for her organization week at O My Family.

So Anyway, here I am again. I’ll give it another go….(but I’m not making any promises! :)

"Road of Life"

Hello? Anyone still there?

Well, that was fun.  After a week of not being able to post because my computer was on the fritz(haven’t heard that one for awhile have ya), I am finally able to post again!  I tell ya, having a computer is a love/hate relationship, and you really have to have some sense of commitment!  On the one hand, I love trying to figure out a problem. On the other hand, I hate the amount of time it takes to do it!

Oh well. I’m back now and that’s all that matters right?

So I will definately be posting about how to get your files off your computer if Windows decides it doesn’t want to start, in ANY mode.  The power went out last week for a split second and Ooops! The old computer decides it doesn’t want to load Windows and just wants to keep doin’ a reboot loop. This has happened once before awhile ago, though, not because of a power outage, so I knew what to do to get my files off, but I really didn’t want to have to go that route again because it is just so time consuming putting as many files as you can onto a usb stick, then taking it to the other computer and putting the files onto there, deleting them off of the usb stick, taking it back to the ailing computer, putting more files on it till it’s full, and so on and so forth! 

So I tried some other routes to see if I could fix the problem so the computer would load again, but, well, it didn’t work.  So I ended up taking even more time trying to go a different route rather than just doing what I knew would work.  Oh well, that’s my life! LOL

So that’s it. That’s my excuse for not posting for awhile.  I noticed my traffic has taken a big nose dive the past few days, but I am back and will be posting again, at least a few days a week.

Thank you for your patience!

Finding My Place…..

I’ve been thinking.

Yikes,  I know, that’s kinda scary sometimes.

But I’ve been thinking about my blog here, and where I really want to go with it. I’ve been having mixed feelings about blogging. I enjoy it, but I’m not sure I want to write about my family life every day. I mean, sure, when there’s something super funny that my kids do, or something exciting going on (Like Bub crawling), or some cute pics now and then. But I really think I am going to start going more in the direction of posting frugal recipes and doing some reviews, and maybe some bible lessons that I study during the week.

I’m just not the kind of person that likes to share everything about my life.  I just kind of feel like this whole blogging world can be kind of fake and more about finding out the latest gossip and “did you hear what happened to so and so” or “I can’t believe so and so said that”.  I don’t know. Ever since I started blogging and reading other peoples blogs, I just get that uneasy feeling. Now, don’t get me wrong though. There are some really great blogs out there with uplifting and encouraging posts. I just feel like it’s too easy to get sucked into this whole online world, and then it’s like you’re living two different lives. You act one way out in the real world, but then, in cyberspace, it’s all too easy to be someone else. You say things that you might not say to someones face and it’s just too easy to hide behind that computer screen.

I always try to think about what I’m writing, and think, “Now would I say this if I didn’t have a computer screen to hide behind?” And if I wouldn’t, then I’d better not write it either. You never know when someone you know in person, a friend, family member, co-worker, may find your blog if you haven’t already told them about it.

I do care what people think of me. Some may say that you shouldn’t care, but that’s not true. Now if you are standing for something you believe in, then that’s a different story. But if you care about what people think of your character, then you’d better be careful what you write.

Well, there’s my little tangent that I just went off on!hehe  But seriously, I don’t like feeling like I’m getting sucked into cyberspace and out of the real world. Feeling like, oh, I’ve got to check so and so’s blog to find out what’s going on with her today!

So I’m not going to post everything that’s going on in my life and I may not even post every day. I do want to try and post 2 or 3 new recipes a week, and do a couple product reviews a month. So between all that, I should still be able to post every day, but probably only 1 or 2 really thought provoking posts a week.  I just have too much on my plate to try and put alot of thought into each post every day!

Anyway, just thought I’d throw that out there, and I look forward to sharing God’s word,some great recipes, reviews and the occasional give away!

P.S. If you have any ideas or questions about something for me to do a post about, please feel free to share or ask! I’d love some ideas from others!

Changes, Changes……..

Baby Face

You’ve probably noticed the site has been looking different lately, so please excuse the mess as I do this live.  I am also adding a mom blog directory that will have a rating system, so look for that in the next couple days and then be sure to add your blog! I’m really excited about the changes coming soon!

So, not much else to say at the moment. I’ve been feeling a bit of bloggers block lately, so haven’t felt like I’ve had much of anything interesting to write about.  Maybe these changes will give me a boost!

Not Me Monday – Re-post

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Since MckMama did Not do Not Me Monday last week, I’m going to repost this for my Not Me Monday post for this week since I Do Not feel like writing a new one! :) So these are actually “Not Me’s” from 2 weeks ago:

Well, all I have to say is, what a week! Sick kids, sick me, somewhat sick husband, and we were all very cranky last week….All week.  Thankfully we are almost all over it now and I feel soooooooooo much better! Thank the Lord for Ibuprofen!  I was all out of Ibuprofen last week and didn’t feel like going to get some so I tried just taking Tylenol from Wednesday till Friday for my nagging headache but it did absolutely Nothing! So Friday was payday, and I had to go get some groceries for our semi-bare cupboards and I actually remembered to pick up some Ibuprofen.

Now as far as the toilet paper goes, I certainly wouldn’t forget that! I would not be in the same isle as the TP and be thinking about getting some, only to forget as I walked toward where it was displayed on sale, round the corner and head for the baby food isle without giving the TP a second thought! Nope, not me! I would not be heading to the bathroom when I got home, only to remember that we were out of TP, and that was one of the main reasons I went to the store in the first place! I would not be that forgetfull.  I certainly did Not use the paper towels that I had bought that night (which were in the same isle as the TP) in place of TP.

So, back to the Ibuprofen. I took some Friday night and then laid down to nurse baby off to sleep in our bed. It was probably about 20 min. and all of a sudden I was feeling sooooo much better! Wow. I felt Horrible all week long and now with just two little Ibuprofen pills, Whala!  So that was pretty cool.

Another thing…. Chris A certain person did Not put Baby on the bed with pillow and blanket around him (so he wouldn’t fall off the bed)and turn his back for a second, only to have Baby plunge to the floor decide to scoot off the bed and onto the floor.  I certainly would not have let that happen…..(as she sheepishly remembers her firstborn falling from the bed when he was approximately the same age, or her second child falling off the couch, or………).

We’ve been keeping an eye on Baby, but he seems to be just fine. He had a little bit of a bump on his forehead, but mostly a rug burn on the spot.  As soon as I heard the thud and the crying, I knew what had happened! Chris felt horrible, and poor Baby cried and cried, and then he’d look at his dad, and start crying some more as if to say “Why did you let me do that!?” it was kind of funny. Even a little while after that, later in the evening, he would look at his dad and give him kind of a sad look and then turn away. Usually he wants to go to daddy!

I also would not decide to rearrange our living room Saturday night in an effort to create more space and help me to organize it again(nothing like a change of scenery to entice one to keep the home clean for a little while!).  I absolutely did NOT somehow bump the 32″ LCD tv that we bought from Chris’ grandma for only $100, that was sitting on the floor because we had to move the TV stand, and then find out that the thing it landed on actually cracked it!! Nope, I am much more carefull than that.  We now do not have a crack on the right side of our screen with nice colorfull lines running up and down that side. (Yikes!)

A moment of silence please for our injured television set………………….

Ok, back to our regular scheduled programming.

So that’s my Not Me’s for the week! Thanks for dropping by!