Category Archives: Micellaneous

Not Me Monday!

I really did not want to miss this not me monday, even though my brain is not working well lately and I can not think of anything to write!

Not much coming to mind. Well I guess I’ll just go then. I do have to get ready for my mom to get here this morning because she definately is Not taking us out for breakfast and I am Not going to enjoy it one bit!!
Hey, what’dya know,, there it is!hehe

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Is it really 3:15 am?

Yes, I am awake at 3am. Why? Oh, maybe it’s because I had to finish some candles that my mom ordered for some ladies she works with, and then Baby decided to wake up about midnight and had trouble going back to sleep. And then Ekid woke up coughing and is still coughing. I’m still trying to finish up on the candles and then I’ll go to bed and get up early so I can do some more cleaning before my mom gets here because my house is an absolute disaster! Anyway, just thought I’d write a little! Hope everyone is sleeping well!

Good Night and sweet dreams :)

You Capture-Comfort

This weeks You Capture is being hosted at

I didn’t have much time this past week to think about this,but here’s what I came up with:

This picture was taken at my parents place. Everytime we visit them, it gives me comfort. I grew up here(20 years) and this particular spot always reminds me of the trail that we made into the woods that we rode our horses on, before the neighbor cut all the trees down years ago. Now there is nothing left of that trail, and instead of trees it is mostly brush. This used to be the entrance to that trail just to the right of the trees in the picture.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for this one!

You might also want to check out my Favorite Things Tuesday blog carnival, or meme!

Favorite Things Tuesday-My Neighborhood

Ok, I must admit. I had to pull this one out of my,,uh,, a  hat,, but here it is. And I am very sorry it is late. I know it says Favorite Things Tuesday, but this is going to have to be Favorite Things Wednesday this week, ok? :)   I also realize that I forgot to let you know in advance what this weeks theme was, but hey, that’s just the way it’s been for me lately, so just cut me some slack this time! Just kidding,, really (:   And you know, I just can’t ever remember which direction that smiley face is supposed to be in order to show up here as a smiley face…hmmm… Anyway, without further ado..

Ok, my favorite things about my neighborhood.  I love that we have great neighbors.  You would think that this street and this part of town wouldn’t be the best place to live, but we really do have great neighbors and have never had problems with them.  We even live right between two rentals and one of them is a duplex, but the renters have all been great!  We have lived in several other places before, and this is the best spot we’ve been in neighbor wise.

I love that we can walk to the park, and actually there are two parks close enough to walk to. We can walk to the stores if we need to, like when 2 of your vehicles are broke down and you’re 8 months pregnant, pushing a stroller with a 5 year old riding in the seat and a 2 year old riding down below in the storage basket…… Yes that really happened. We even had to walk down to the urgent care one night because of an ear infection. Now that was a bit too far, but I made it and I didn’t go into labor! 

I love that there is a pet store right across the road from us and Dominoes Pizza is also right across the street. Everything is pretty much in walking distance. I don’t always want to live in town, but that is a plus side to it.

Well, that’s it for me! Now it’s your turn!

One of Those Days

Ever have one of “those” days? Oh, of course you have…everybody has, but you feel like your the only one at the time having “a” day. Yesterday was that day for me. It started just as most days have been starting lately… with Nboy and Ekid (I’m starting to rethink those nicknames….They just sound funny to me now) arguing over every little thing. And that did not go over well with me yesterday. I was in a MOOD. It also did not help that I had a huge headache half the day. Baby was not very content much of the day either so between him and his older brothers, I felt as though I couldn’t get anything done,which really isn’t unusual, but lately it has really been getting under my skin.  So my head hurts, self pity is setting in, and I probably yelled a few too many times at the boys for petty little things.

So, we went to church last night for Wednsday evening service, and afterwards I dropped everyone off at home except baby, and baby and I went to the store to get groceries. You see, it was DH payday yesterday and our cupboards were bordering on bare.  So, long story short, we are on the WIC(women, infants, and children) program, and I had my vouchers and had put everything I needed for 4 of my vouchers into the cart, plus the other groceries that I was paying for myself.

Well, the checker didn’t seem too thrilled about all the WIC that he was going to have to do. I payed for my non-wic items and then he started on the WIC items. Well what do you think happened?  He says “these vouchers aren’t valid untill tomorrow” Oh, My , Goodness!  I wasn’t thinking and those vouchers weren’t valid untill April 1st! I tell you,, my brain has been out to lunch lately!  So then he tells me that he’s probably going to get in trouble now because he didn’t look at the date on the 1st voucher which was for $10 off of fresh or frozen produce, and that one he didn’t have to do separately from my non-wic items. So the wic check will probably get sent back to the store and they won’t get reimbursed for it.  Wow! I felt about 2 inches tall and embarrassed completely! 

I asked if there was anything he could do, but he said it was too late.  I apologized profusely, and then I looked at all of the other wic stuff that somebody was going to have to put back because of ME. And then I apologized some more!  Then he told me as I was leaving “have a nice night”  I thought “yeah right!”  Then, on the verge of tears, I packed everything into my car, and cried all the way home!

DH tells me after I get home and tell him about it(still in tears),”At least you were early and not late!”  HAHAHA! Very funny!

Favorite Things-My Town

I’ve lived here for about 9.5 years. I moved from Oregon City, where I grew up, when my husband I got married. For a few years, I would get homesick for my home town where I grew up. Every time we would go visit my parents, I would see all the old places and the countryside and all those flood of memories and really, really miss the place. 

Now, though, I can honestly say that where we live now is where I want to be.  I think it happened when we moved farther south for about 3 years and then came back because it just wasn’t working out. God wanted us here, I truly believe.  Once we came back, I realized that I wasn’t home sick for where I had grown up anymore. This town feels like home now, and I love it!  I love that there are so many parks and they are very well kept.  It seems like almost anywhere you live in town, it is most likely within walking distance to a park. 

A Tree Shadow at the Park

NBoy Playing at the Park 

Big Tree at the Park

I love that it isn’t a huge town, but it  has 2 of almost every fast food place and it has all the big stores like Fred Meyer, Safeway, Target, Sears. There are an abundance of restaurants to choose from like Izzys, Mongolian, several Chinese places, several Mexican places, Sizzler, Denny’s and many more!

I love that the country with it’s hay fields during the summer is just a couple minutes drive away. I love the smell of the smoke of burning fields in the summer too!  Someday I hope we can afford to have property again and live in the country.  That is my only regret, and the thing I still really miss from my childhood. But I would want it to be here in this town.

I love all the beautifull trees here, even in town! I love that we are known as the “Grass Seed Capitol of the World”, even if that means the pollen count can go through the roof! haha   It’s a good thing I don’t have major allergies!  I love the smell of fresh cut grass and hay!  I love that our town is right by the river.

Ok, I could go on a bit more, but I think that’s long enough. Now it’s your turn!  What’s your favorite thing about your town?  Blog about it and then come back here and post the link to your blog post!