Category Archives: Micellaneous

Not Me Monday-First time for everything

Well,, it has been an interesting couple days. 

 No I did not actually write a controversial post(that you may or may not have read)on my blog and then I definately did not press the publish button because that would just not be asking for someone to come out of the wood work and post a rude comment!  I know, I know, I was asking for it, but I guess I just was really(really) not prepared for how it would make me feel.  I am not(this is true), a very out spoken person and I really don’t want to offend people or anything, but I felt it was something I needed to put out there(is this not my blog?). 

So I did not actually agonize over this the last couple days and wonder if I should have posted it at all, and then wonder what you all were thinking of me! 

Ok, sob story done.  So, let’s see. Saturday we did not laze around most of the day when we had planned to clean out the garage…Nope, we are too responsible for that!  We also did not head to 7-11 where we did not buy slurpees and then head to the park. I did not forget to take the camera so that I could have a picture to post here. Grrrr :)

Well, that’s all I could think of this time! Hopefully the next one will be a bit more interesting :)

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

You may also want to visit my Favorite Things Tuesday! This weeks theme will be “Favorite Things About- Your Town”  . Check out the post on Tuesday and add your link!

Obama Universal Health Care Plan

Losing our freedoms with every thing he touches!  I haven’t been keeping up on Obama’s universal health care plan as much as I should have. Today I finally was able to find clear details on this health care bill that he passed on Tuesday, without any republican votes I might add.Grrrrrr. This makes me sooooooo mad!! I want to scream! I’m not going to reprint the article, but I’ll just give you the link so you can go and read it.

Friends,, we are being FORCED to comply with this plan! Every person in this country is going to be forced to have health insurance by 2014 whether you want it or not, or else,, wait for it,,,, PAY A FINE!  Employers are going to be forced to offer health insurance to thier employees,, or else,,,PAY A FINE of around $2000 per employee!! 

Where is our freedom in this!! Taxes are going to go up, we’re going to be forced to pay health insurance. We’re going to be paying insurance for people who are too lazy to work. More than likely we are going to be paying for people to have abortions too!  This is an absolutely absurd health care plan!  What happened to “Government of the people, by the people, for the people” (Abraham Lincoln)  No,no, that must be a mistake… because it seems like today it is “of the government, by the government, for the government”

I’m sorry,,, actually, no, I’m not sorry,, but anyway,,, this is just stupid. It really is.  We don’t hardly get to vote on anything anymore! Shouldn’t we the people get to have a say in something so important? After all, this is OUR country. Not the Barak Obama country!! He is not a dictator…at least not yet…….
Whatever your stand is on this Obama universal health care plan, You should be FURIOUS that You didn’t get vote on a bill that will have such a HUGE impact on our lives!!

I welcome your opinions on this topic,, but I will not tolerate rude or hurtfull comments, so please, Play Nice :)

Edited March 27, 2010:

Ok, I think I need to clear some things up here.  I was writing my thoughts down at the time, and I probably didn’t go into enough explanation with some of them. This is a personal blog, and I don’t claim to be the expert on political things, but I know what I believe and that’s what I write.

First off- I do agree that the health care system needs an overhaul. What our president has signed into effect is NOT the answer though.

Second- I do know that we already are paying for others healthcare and welfare and what not, And I am in favor of helping those who are truly in need and can’t help themselves, but I am not in favor of my tax dollars going for helping those who won’t help themselves and won’t work and are just mooching off the system. 

I believe we need a better system for healthcare and welfare. 

Third: Just because my tax dollars are already going toward that stuff(and as I stated above, I’m not totally against it-with the exception of abortion), does not make it ok to keep adding more! Just because our freedoms are already diminished does not mean that we can’t rally to get those freedoms back.

Fourth: Republican or Democrat- we could go back and forth all day about this,both have thier flaws, but the point is that the government has gotten too big for it’s britches and something needs to be done about it. Many democrats are against this bill too, I might add.

Favorite Things Tuesday-My Childhood

Me and Sandy my Arabian HorseAhhh, I have lots of great memories of my childhood. I think my most favorite thing, though, was riding and showing horses. Especially just going out for a ride around the property on my little Arab gelding. We bought him when I was 10 or 11. We had other horses, but he was the first one that was my very own. He had been a great show horse before he came to us and I had him for 2 years before I started showing him. He taught me so much! He was so patient even when I didn’t always treat him the nicest, thinking something he was doing wrong was his fault and not my own. 


Me and Sandy My Arabian Horse

Once I started taking lessons on him, I learned that he was the smart one, not me. He knew so much more than I did, and my instructor taught me to find the right buttons. Once I did, we just came together and he did anything I asked of him! Just thinking about that horse is bringing tears to my eyes right now.  We did so well the second year I showed him, but by that time I was outgrowing him and had gotten a yearling to train. So we sold Sandy. I got to give lessons to the girl that bought him for awhile, but she never went as far as she could have with him. It made me so sad. They just never did click. But he was a wonderfull horse for her younger siblings and they took awesome care of him untill he died at the ripe old age of 30 I believe, possibly a little older.  

I still remember racing across the field with the wind blowing through our hair. Feeling like we were flying! And then just sitting there on his back under the trees at the end of the field, daydreaming. Dreaming about riding show jumpers and soaring over the jumps. Thinking about some boy I had a crush on. Talking to Sandy  and telling him my thoughts.  The wonderfull, sweet smell of horse, sweat and leather.  Yes, those were the days!  Oh how I miss that!

Next week- Favorite things about: Your Town

Well, now that I’ve been reduced to tears! It’s your turn! Tell us what your favorite thing about your childhood is and post your link below. Read the Rules Here

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, let’s see here. What did I “not” do this week? Oh let me count the ways.

So first off, I definately did Not stay up too late almost every night this week blogging. I am NOT getting addicted to blogging either! Nope…

As a result of not staying up too late, I also was Not extremely tired most of the week and I definately did not need a break this weekend when we went up to visit my parents who live a little over an hour away(apparently I’m supposed to be super women, at least that’s what it seems like most of the time). 

Baby also did not poop for a couple days(that part is true!) and then he didn’t decide to explode poop out his diaper while I was sitting at the computer, not checking on my blog.

I also did not get spit up on several times a day every day this week

On Friday, I listed a midi keyboard that DH is selling on Ebay and of course I did not forget to unckeck the free shipping box, after filling out all of the shipping dimensions and weight for the shipping calculator, so that our listing which is going to be aprox. 10lbs to ship, is listed with free shipping! Nope, I would never do that!! 

Hmm… Oh yes, I also did not go garage saleing with my mom and all 3 kids on Saturday, where I did not find this beautifull little painting, which is an original oil, for $7 which we did not actually get for half off! hehe

Oil Painting of San Francisco Bridge by Engel

So, that’s my Not Me Monday!

P.S. And I almost forgot… We did not come home  from my parents house with more stuff than we left with..again!

You may also want to visit my Favorite Things Tuesday! This weeks theme has been “Spring/Summer”. You can blog about your favorite things about Spring and/or Summer and add the link to your post! Also check out This Weeks Theme!

What Happened?

Where did the time go? I mean one minute I’m in 12 years old so excited about getting my first horse that I could call MINE. Then I’m in highschool, so excited for graduation day. Then I’m getting ready for  my wedding day, then I’m so excited for the day I’d see my first born in person! Now I have 3 kids, the youngest is already 6 months old and this year I’ll be turning 30!!!!  30!! Can you believe it???  I don’t know. 30 just seems like,, I don’t want to say old,,I mean dh has already passed 30 four years ago,,hehe,, but I just don’t want to leave the 20s behind,, you know what I mean?  I still feel like an insecure teenager much of the time. 

Sorry, I’ve just been thinking about that alot lately and it saddens me to be leaving the 20s behind…..

Crazy Lemonade Cravings

Ok, I don’t know what it is, but the last couple nights I have been craving, oh so badly, lemonade! Tonight at about 11 o clock, I just had to make myself a blended lemonade! I drank the whole thing, which was probably close to 20 oz and it was sooooooo good. It hit the spot. But then I wanted more. By that time it was about midnight and DH was in bed and I was trying to get baby to go to sleep. So after baby was finally in bed, about 15 min. ago, I had to settle for a plain old lemonade,, but it sure was good too!  Now I’m feeling like I want a bit more and I may have to make myself one more glass before I go to bed.  Last night I also ended up drinking a coke, which is a nono for me because cafeine doesn’t do well with babys tummy, but it was sooooooooo good(she says sheepishly)

Anyway, I don’t usually crave stuff like that very often, although I always love a good sugary drink, but craving one like that is a little strange.

So now that you think I’m a little wierd,, I think I’ll go make myself another lemonade and head off to bed :)