Category Archives: Micellaneous

Favorite Things Tuesday- Spring/Summer

I absolutely, positively, cannot wait untill summer! I love it when we get to move the clocks forward because it stays light later and that has to be right up there at the top of my favorite things about summer!  For the last couple weeks it has smelled so much like spring that it just makes me want to go for walks in the evening,, if only it wasn’t still so chilly out. :)  

I can’t wait to get our back yard tilled up and planted so we can have a nice new grassy yard to play on this summer!  I just love being able to lay down on the grass and feel the breeze and just daydream… reminds me of my younger days when things were more carefree. 

I love seeing all the trees in bloom and the daffodils popping up everywhere!

Rose Bush Budding Leaves

I love the spring fragrances. The other day our family went to my brothers engagement party. The restaurant sat right by a creek and as we walked by I could smell the sweet smell of some tree that reminds me of my parents house growing up. Every spring I would catch that fragrance drifting through the air and wonder what kind of tree that was. I did figure out that it was the leaves of a this particular tree that smelled so sweet. The fragrance only comes in the spring time.  Anyone know?  I suppose I could just Google it,,hehe.

Another thing I love about summer, is that the sun rises so early. I’ve never been a morning person and I usually do not drag myself out of bed that early, but I love the idea of it!LOL.  When I used to show horses, I would usually get up before sunrise or right at sunrise in the summer to get ready to go.  I love those memories! Great times those were!  The warmth even so early in the morning,, the chirping of the birds, the smell of horses and leather ,,,, Ahhhhh………………..

Anyway! I’m back to earth now :)  So even though this blog is still so new, I’m going to attempt a bloggy carnival or meme(I think thier the same thing)! I’ve been trying to think of a theme for one and I think this is perfect.

 Just write a post on your blog about your favorite things about spring/summer and



  1. include a link to this meme in your post(see below), and then
  2. add the link to that post here with MrLinky Inlinkz below.
  3. You could also include some pictures in your blog post too, but it’s not required!

Copy and paste this code into your Favorite Things blog post:

<a href=””>Favorite Things Tuesday</a>. A Weekly Meme @ <a href=”>The Mom Venture Blog</a>. Come join the fun!

Like I said, this is a pretty new blog and so I’m taking a chance here of not getting much participation(if any), but  if you are reading this, I would really, really, really love it if you would humor me and play along! :)

Next Weeks Theme: Favorite Things about Your Childhood

Post Your Link Below

After Midnight Musings,, Again

Yes, yet again, I am still awake at 1:25 in the morning. You know, wouldn’t it be great if we never had to sleep? Don’t get me wrong, I love sleeping, but sometimes it would be nice just to stay up all night while the kids sleep and just get everything that needed to be done, done. Then you could spend the day with the kids and doing things you really want to do without feeling guilty that your house is a mess.  Anyway, just a thought :)

So baby is 6 months old today,,er,, yesterday. It’s just so hard to believe. Soon he’ll be crawling and getting into everything. He is just such an adorable little darling and quite the character!  I love his little screeches he’s been doing lately. He found his voice and instead of babbling or cooing so much, he has taken to short little screams and screeches, just for the fun of it.LOL  Of course it doesn’t help that we laugh at him and then he smiles and does it again.  He absolutely LOVES daddy. When daddy walks in the room he just squirms and smiles,, it is so adorable! Daddy was the first to make him laugh, and I’ll bet you that’s what his first word will be!  He has also found out that he can actually stick his tongue out.LOL,, he’ll sit there with his tongue partially out of his mouth quite often now and it is so funny! I tried to take a picture of it tonight, but by the time I’d turned the camera on and was ready to take the picture, and then had to press the button a couple times before it finally flashed, of course he didn’t have his tongue out anymore,, go figure!

Well, good night for now. I want to sit and write some more, but I’ve got too many ideas running around in my brain and I’d have to get them separated into separate posts. So maybe tomorrow my head will be a bit more clear! I’m still trying to get the hang of this blogging business, so bear with me!

First Baby Teeth!

Well, our little guy finally had a tooth pop through last Saturday. Boy does time fly. He’s been teething hard for a couple months now, and drooling so much you’d think he could cause a flood! The great thing is that I felt in there Wednsday night and found that the other bottom tooth is poking through now too. No wonder he’s been so cranky! Two teeth at once,, poor guy.

It’s exciting, but at the same time, I know it won’t be long before he’s walking around and then not long after that he’ll be too big to hold. I look at my other two boys and it’s neat to see them grow, but then again I’d love to hold them as little babies again,, smiling at me with that little gummy smile,, thier little face lighting up when I walk in the room,, Ahhh babies,, God sure knew what he was doing and how to get us to reproduce more!LOL Even though they can make you insane with thier crying and keeping you up all night pacing the floor,, they make up for it with thier little baby cuteness and charm and make you almost forget the pain of child birth and the sleepless nights!

Enjoy your babies while you can, because they grow up so fast! Good night everyone….

Chili Earthquake And Tsunami Advisory

tsunami advisory sign oregon coast
Tsunami advisory sign for the coast at Newport Oregon

As you probably already know, Chile was hit by an 8.8 magnitude earthquake early Saturday morning. The death toll is now over 700. These people are in my prayers.
There was a tsunami advisory in effect for the entire pacific coast Saturday and so my husband and I decided to drive down to the coast and watch the waves. Of course there was nothing exciting going on and apparently even the California coast only saw slight changes in the height of the waves. So that was kind of a bust after driving an hour and a half, but it was a beautifull day and we still went down on the beach with the kids and played a little and I took pictures of course! The sign in the picture above was posted at the entrance to the beach, but of course, noone took it seriously and there were lots of people out on the beach. We got there at close to 4pm, so we went ahead and went out there too.
We tried to go to the lighthouse, but you have to pay if you are in a vehicle and we sure didn’t want to walk all that way, so we decided against it. Seems like you have to pay for anything fun these days. I’m surprised they don’t make you pay to go down on the beach! Oh well, maybe next time we’ll bring the stroller and go ahead and just walk up to the lighthouse.

Newport Oregon Coast
Newport Oregon Coast
Daddy and our 5 month old
Newport Oregon Beach
Daddy and our 2 other boys

A Funny thing Happened

So a funny thing happened earlier yesterday. My husband told me last night that he found a piece of paper with dog poop on it sitting on his seat in the car when he got in to go back to work after lunch. He comes home for lunch every day. 

Well, Wednsday night after church, we were all getting back into the car when I noticed that our oldest had stepped in some dog poop. I made him get out and wipe his feet on the grass and then I noticed that he had stepped on a piece of paper when he had got in the car the first time, so there was some dog poop on that paper.  I picked it up and put it into a plastic bag that was in the trunk of the car. When we got home, I opened the trunk and put that plastic bag with the poop paper, into the garbage can outside.  The garbage can was empty except for that paper.  The paper was not on my husbands seat when he went to work yesterday morning, and I know it had to have been the same paper I’d put in the trash can. 

I do know that after he went back to work, a bum came up into our driveway and was looking for cans in our recycle cart, so I don’t know if he was there earlier and thought that there were cans in the plastic bag and found the dog poop and decided to put it on the drivers seat in the car, or if someone else did it… it’s a mystery.

Moral of the story,, keep your car doors locked even when you’re home during the day!

After Midnight Musings

Here I am. I know, I haven’t been keeping up with my blog very well. It’s been quite awhile, but here I am at 2am when I should be snoozing. I’ve been a bit bogged down lately. Just feeling like there’s too much to do and everyone wants something from me, with not much appreciation being given. I know, that’s life, especially for a wife/mom, but I’m sure I’m not alone.  It’s a vicious cycle,, you don’t get something done that you intended to do or wanted to do, then you feel guilty. Then you get sidetracked again, and things start piling up and now you’re really depressed and don’t feel like you can get back on top of things. Then you’ve got dh asking if he has any clean socks and kids saying “mommy can I have this, mommy can you help me with that, mommy, mommy, mommy………  That’s been my life for a long time and it’s really getting old(feeling down about all this, I mean).  I haven’t felt like I’ve had anything interesting to write about so I put off blogging for awhile, but then I feel guilty about that! Ahhhh,, make it stop! Well I’m going to really try to just sit down for a few minutes a few times a week and just type what comes to mind. I know there are interesting things that go on, I guess I just feel like noone really wants to hear about my life. But this blogging thing isn’t about what people want to hear,, it’s about giving a glimpse inside my life and writing down my feelings and sharing about the funny and not so funny things my children can do and say and maybe someone might be interested in reading these posts and maybe some of these posts might make someone laugh or cry or give encouragement.

I don’t know, I guess I just need to persevere. An artist that has painters block can’t just give up,, they have to work through it, especially if they depend on thier art for a living,, same goes for writers. And even though I don’t do this to make money, it’s something that I enjoy doing and want to do, so I must carry on! 

Well, now I must get to bed, although it is so quiet and peacefull right now, with the exception of my husband snoring..hehe… but that aside, I love this time of night. Kids are asleep, baby is asleep and I don’t have to think about any of them waking up anytime soon. 

So goodnight and sweet dreams