Category Archives: Micellaneous

Wild Weather

I woke up this morning to utter silence…We live right off of a main road and one house down from an intersection, so usually there are always cars going by. This morning there were none. Last night about 5pm it started raining,,freezing rain. This morning, to no surprise, everything was completely iced over. Things are just now starting to thaw and the rain has changed to regular old rain. I rather enjoy storms like this. They don’t happen very often around here,, maybe once a year. While everyone else is dreading the ice and snow,, secretly I get a little excited and hope for it (-:

A Sad Goodbye

So I have to say farewell, after all these years to a faithfull appliance. Our microwave finally gave up the ghost the other day. Very unexpectedly. Dinner time is not a good time for a microwave to quit, especially when you have food to thaw. Sure you can use the oven, but that’s just awkward and takes too long. But I must say, the thing lasted us a little over 9 years. We bought when we got married and it’s been very faithfull, even after several moves. I googled White-Westinghouse, but it seems they do not make microwaves anymore, so I will probably just have to buy an Emerson. Seems that’s the only brand sold in stores around here now.
Well, farewell my micro-friend!