Category Archives: Mocha Recipes

White Chocolate Mocha Recipe-Heavenly Hot Drink!

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It’s officially fall and the days and nights are getting cooler. This is probably the time, if you’re an iced mocha drinker, that you might switch to hot mochas. There are so many flavors of mocha recipes, but one of my favorites and a popular one among espresso stand frequenters, is a White chocolate mocha. I, for one, am in love with white chocolate! I’m not a huge fan of hot coffee drinks, but a hot white mocha is one that I can enjoy :)

Here’s a great homemade white chocolate mocha recipe for you to enjoy! Try it, and I would love to hear what you think of it, and you can also rate it with the stars up above if you want :)

White Chocolate Mocha Recipe
Recipe type: Drinks
Cuisine: American
Serves: 1
An excellent hot white mocha recipe for you to enjoy on those chilly days (or all year round!).
  • 16oz cup
  • 2oz of fresh brewed coffee or 2 shots of espresso
  • Approx 13oz of Whole Milk or low fat/skim (I love whole milk in mine! You could even try half and half) steamed or microwaved so it is as hot as you like it.
  • 2 tablespoons powdered white chocolate (try Ghirardelli Sweet Ground White Chocolate)
  1. Brew your coffee or espresso shots.
  2. Place white chocolate in your cup.
  3. Pour coffee or espresso into the cup and stir well until the white chocolate is dissolved.
  4. Steam or microwave approx. 13 oz of milk.
  5. Pour in heated milk to top of cup and stir.
  6. Add whipped cream if desired and enjoy!