I have some oat bran I’ve been meaning to use more often to add more fiber to mine and my family’s diet. What got me going on oat bran, was when my mom showed me an article in a magazine about the Dukan Diet. She tried it and actually did well losing some weight with it. I tried the Dukan Diet for a week and lost a few pounds but had a hard time sticking with it. I do like the idea of using oat bran to add more fiber to my diet though. The problem is that I keep forgetting to use it on a regular basis. I kept thinking about making muffins with it, and finally decided to just do it the other night. I searched for a good oat bran muffins recipe, but I was out of eggs and I couldn’t find one that I had all the ingredients for. So I decided to use my eggless Wacky Cake Recipe and just add some of the oat bran to it making them, Cake Mix Muffins :) . So here is what I did. I am not going to post the whole recipe, since you can just go to the Wacky Cake link above and use that but make the following changes:
I omitted the cocoa powder, but you could try it with the cocoa for chocolate oat bran muffins.
I mixed all ingredients in a bowl according to my Eggless Wacky Cake Recipe and used about 1 1/4 cup of flour, with 1/2 cup of oat bran. (if using the cocoa, you may want to use only 1 cup of flour)
I also ended up using only 1/2 cup sugar instead of a whole cup on accident, but they tasted great, so I think I will stick with only using half the sugar :)
After mixing the ingredients with the changes above, just fill each lightly greased muffin cup about 1/2-3/4 full. I only have a miniature muffin pan, so I baked them for about 15-20 min. You may need to bake regular muffins for about 30 minutes or so. at 350 degrees.
Now these do not rise quite as much as regular muffins and are a little heavier, but I love them that way! They are nice and moist and tasted wonderful!
I hope you enjoy this great, simple, healthy oat bran muffins recipe (with no eggs)!