Category Archives: Reviews

Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

So I’ve been taking Cayenne Pepper capsules for almost  a month now because I had read that it could be helpful for weight loss. Now I realize it doesn’t make much sense that Cayenne pepper alone is going to magically cause the weight to fall off, but some of the claims about it made sense to me for being helpful. Here are some of the claims I read and then I will tell you what I’ve found to be true for me personally:

  • Cayenne Pepper suppresses appetite.
  • Cayenne Pepper boosts metabolism.
  • Taking Cayenne Pepper before a meal generally causes you to burn about 10 more calories than not taking any.

So that’s basically what I got out of what I had read about the health benefits of Cayenne Pepper. Now I did read that people that are used to spicy foods like Cayenne pepper, tend to see less of the appetite suppression, or none at all, but I don’t like very spicy foods, so I figured I’d be ok. So I decided to go ahead and try it just to see.

I bought a bottle of  Spring Valley – Cayenne Fruit from and received it pretty quickly. I started taking it and I can tell you that it definitely has had some appetite suppression. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I can feel the cayenne pepper in my stomach, which isn’t normally very uncomfortable unless it doesn’t make it all the way to my stomach before the capsule opens up. This is where I learned not to take other vitamins at the same time as the cayenne pepper because if I did, it would normally open up before hitting my stomach and then I’d have to chug some milk because, wow! lol  But I can live with that if it helps me to not feel like snacking or eating as much.

Cayenne Pepper for Appetite Suppression: Check

As far as metabolism, I don’t really know. I don’t think I feel more energy while taking the pepper, but I’m not quite sure. So……

Cayenne Pepper for a Metabolism Boost: Undecided

Cayenne Pepper for burning more calories: Not really any way for me to tell

Now there is one more benefit of Cayenne Pepper that I did not anticipate and I hadn’t read.  I started taking it about a week and a half before my period was supposed to start. Now normally I can feel about a week before when my period is going to start, especially ever since a few months after I stopped nursing my youngest, so probably the last 6 months I’ve consistantly been feeling cramping and extremely irritable, headaches and so on, about a week or so before mensus starts.  Well, this time, my period caught me by surprise! I didn’t even feel it coming. I knew that it was coming up, but I kind of forgot because I didn’t feel crampy or anything!  When I stopped and thought about it, I thought I remembered some time in the past maybe hearing about Cayenne pepper helping ease menstrual cramps, so I looked it up. Sure enough, I found several places that said that Cayenne pepper helps with menstrual cramps!

Now that is a huge plus for me. If that was the only health benefit of cayenne pepper, then I would still use it.

How much to take? Well, the bottle says to take 1 capsule 3 times a day, but I was only taken it 1 or 2 times during the end of my last menstrual cycle. Now I will see with my current cycle coming to a close, if it helps again. I’ve only been taking it 1 time a day the past 2 weeks, so we’ll see if only once a day will still help with the cramps .

As far as appetite suppression, it seems to work well taking it in between meals if you don’t want to feel the munchies. Or taking it right before a meal if you want to cut down on your main meals.

So try out the Cayenne Pepper, it does seem to have some great health benefits. Let me know if it works for you!

One Fish Two Fish,Red Fish Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss

You might find it quite laughable if you were to stand outside the kids bedroom and listen to me reading to them some nights. I love to read, and I enjoy reading children’s books where you can put so much emphasis and feeling into the story!

One of my favorites, since our oldest was probably 4 or 5,  is “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” by Dr. Seuss I really love Dr. Seuss and you’d think I’d have lots of his books, but sadly, I only have a couple. All three of my boys have absolutely loved One Fish Two Fish, and my 8 year old (Nboy) still gets a kick out of it when I read it to my 2(Baby) and 5 year old (Ekid) at bedtime.

One Fish Two Fish is truly a universal book!

So, I will go over some of my favorite parts of the book although I love the whole thing and it is especially fun to try and read it fast without getting tongue tied!  I used to do that with my oldest when I didn’t want to have to read for very long. With many books, a 4 or 5 year old will not allow you to rush it or skip pages, but with One Fish Two Fish, you can totally make it fun and get it read quickly! Sneaky, I know….

"One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" by Dr. Seuss

This is it, the book that keeps hangin’ around!

I posted some excerpts from the book below. All of the pages are wonderful, I just chose a few of my favorites!


One Fish Two Fish is a well used book!


As you can tell, One Fish Two Fish is a well used book!







One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss

“One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish”







And some are very, very bad! "One Fish Two Fish"

“Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know go ask your dad!

At this point the boys like to say “Ok” and then run in the other room calling for their dad :)  a couple pages after this it says “go ask your mother” and I fall for it every time when they say “Mommy?” (they get a kick out of that!)








He has eleven! This is something new. I wish I had eleven two! "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish"


He has eleven! This is something new. I wish I had eleven too :)

The boys always HAVE to count his fingers to make sure he really has eleven! haha






"I do not like my little bed" One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish


And this is one of my favorite parts in the book. “And when I pull them in, Oh Dear!! My head sticks out of bed up here! ”  haha I love it.






"I do not like this bed at all, a lot of things have come to call!" One Fish Two Fish



And then of course the sequel 2 pages later….. “A lot of things have come to call, a cow a dog a cat a mouse! Oh what a bed! Oh what a house!!”





"These things are fun and fun is good" One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish


“Have you ever milked this kind of cow? Well we can do it, we know how!” “if you never did, you should, these things are fun and fun is good.”  Dr. Seuss has a very interesting imagination! Ha!





"Today is gone, today was fun, tomorrow is another one." One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish



“And now good night, it is time to sleep, so we will sleep with our pet Zeep. Today is gone, today was fun, tomorrow is another one”


A great note to end on for a bed time story!


So there you have it, Dr. Seuss “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish”

A must have book for your childrens book collection!  If you don’t have it, you can buy it here new or used.

Exciting New Review & Giveaway!

Ok, I’m gonna give you all a heads up on a giveaway I’m going to be doing in a couple weeks. I had an idea to do a review on some goat milk soap from here in Oregon the other day, so I ordered some. I’m not going to go into detail about it yet, but I will say that I’ve decided to try some other places from here in Oregon that make goat milk soap, and kind of do a comparison and a review on the one I like the best. Then I’ll do a giveaway featuring a sample of each of the soap companies.

Anyway, I’m very excited about this and I think it’ll be LOTS of fun! I’ll keep you all posted on when exactly I’ll be doing the giveaway!

Well, gotta go! We’re just heading out the door, but I thought I’d type this up real fast first!

The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room

This post is for a book week hosted by  O My Family!

I’ve loved the Berenstain Bears ever since I was a kid. We got this the last time we were at the library and it hits home soooo much!  I totally relate to Mama Bear!

berenstain bears book and the messy room

The Berenstains keep a neat and orderly home. (Well, maybe I can’t quite relate to that!)

The Berenstain Bears Page 1

Except for the kids room(Now that I know all about!)

The Berenstain Bears Messy Room

Momma Bear is Fed up with all thier arguing when they’re supposed to be cleaning and ends up cleaning it up herself. She is NOT happy!

Berenstain Bears, Momma Bear Cleaning

Oh boy, isn’t that just a picture of what goes on at our house!lol

Anyway, Momma Bear snaps….(I had to laugh at this!)

Papa Bear hears the commotion all the way outside in his workshop and comes to the rescue and suggests they make boxes to organize thier room.

berenstain bears book

The story ends well, and Momma Bear did not have to be hauled away to the mental hospital! LOL

You may also want to visit my Favorite Things Tuesday! This weeks theme has been “Spring/Summer”. You can blog about your favorite things about Spring and/or Summer and add the link to your post! Also check out Next Weeks Theme!

Sleepy Wrap Baby Carrier Review

I really thought I should do a review on the Sleepy Wrap baby carrier that I bought in November. I am not affiliated with the Sleepy Wrap company in any way, and I bought my sleepy wrap in November 2009, off of Ebay. The price was approximately $36.

So I had high expectations for this long piece of stretchy fabric. I had read tons of other reviews and the consensus seemed to be that this wrap was the greatest thing since,, well, sliced bread. LOL

I have another baby carrier that I got with our first baby,, you know, the kind that goes over your shoulders and you awkwardly lift baby up high so you can slide him down into the carrier,, and then after only a few minutes, your shoulders are killing you and you don’t feel like you can do anything that requires bending over even slightly, for fear of baby’s head falling backwards and toppling onto the floor(ok, ok, that was a bit of an exaggeration). And then there’s trying to get baby out of the carrier which is a whole other awkward situation, especially if he’s sleeping!  Needless to say, I never used that carrier very much.

sleepy wrap baby carrier
sleepy wrap baby carrier

Now for the Sleepy Wrap baby carrier. I absolutely love it! I wish I had known about it with our second child and I definitely wish it had been around with our first, but I’m so glad to have it with our third. It came with clear instructions on how to wrap it and it didn’t take but a few times of practice to get it down so I can wrap it in about a minute, probably less.

It is stretchy fabric and very comfortable. The Sleepy Wrap is definitely one size fits all and you can either tie it in front or wrap the extra around again to the back and tie it.  There are no pressure points, so you and baby are very comfortable.  I loved the fact that you don’t have to re-wrap it in order to use the different ways you can carry your baby.  I had thought that for each different carry, you would have to re-wrap it, but not so! You do the basic wrap and then you can stick baby in several different ways.  The Sleepy Wrap carrier is perfect for both newborns and older babies.  Want to go grocery shopping? Just put on the wrap before you head out the door and if you’re self conscious about wearing it without baby in it, you can just put a jacket on over it during the winter anyway, and no one is the wiser (-;  Then just slip baby in the sleepy wrap before heading into the store.

I really don’t need to use it around the house too much since the Lord blessed us with a very good baby this time around..LOL  but it is nice to have for those fussy times right when you’re trying do some cleaning or late at night. I also love the fact that I can go for a walk if I want to and wear baby and put our 3 year old in the stroller and then our oldest can keep up with me fairly well. I wore my baby all day one time trying to get ready for a birthday party for my 3 year old and my back and shoulders did not hurt at all!

sleepy wrap up close
sleepy wrap up close

So that’s the Sleepy Wrap baby carrier review. It is a great priced, wonderfully comfortable carrier and comes in several colors.  I would recommend the Sleepy Wrap carrier  to anyone with a newborn or older baby. I even put my just-turned-3 year old in it to see if it would hold and it held him too!

5 stars for this wonderful product!
Buy it on Amazon:
Sleepy Wrap Classic Wrap Baby Carrier