Category Archives: Children

Saturday Morning 6am…..

Now what in the world am I doing up at 6 oclock on a Saturday morning,, you may ask?  Well, sick kids of course!  Ekid(I finally came up with some nicknames. You can read about that in later post), our 3yr old, woke up coughing and the poor guy has a fever. Now I’m not sure what his temp is because the dumb thermometer isn’t working right, and it’s hard to get an accurate reading in his armpit anymore. I can’t stick it in his mouth because he just doesn’t understand to keep it under his tongue yet and to keep his mouth closed. We can’t stick it in his bottom because,, well,, that’s just weird with a 3 yr old!!

So that’s why I’m up at 6am.  Nboy(our 6yr old) is now stuffy too,,since last night at bedtime, and woke up just after midnight with a really dry throat,, so there’s another one down,, and I have a really scratchy throat as we speak.

All I have to say is… I can’t wait for summer!!

If It’s Not One It’s the Other

The problem with having more than one child is that somebody seems to be sick at any given time during the winter months. Our middle child who is 3, seems to get sick the most(it couldn’t be because he sticks his fingers in his mouth all the time, could it?). So guess who it is this time.. yep it’s him, ds2,( I really need to come up with some nicknames for these guys!).  Sneezing and snotting and coughing up a storm… what fun! So now the question is,, who’s gonna be next?  You know it’s inevitable!  Baby has been sneezing more today and yesterday his little eyes looked a little red and he was being a little more cuddly than normal, although he always likes to cuddle. 

So here we go again…. I think it was just 2 or 3 weeks ago that ds2 had his last cold and then 2 weeks ago I came down with a fever for a day(which was kind of odd, but at least it didn’t last longer than that!)

So  if it’s not one child it’s another and then it makes the rounds, usually without mercy!  :)

Birthday Party-Can I Cry Now?

It’s been one of those days today and now I just feel like crashing. I almost broke down crying a little while ago, and even earlier today I was so upset that I couldn’t even cry! Anyway, you’re wondering “what in the world is she talking about”. Well, one of my boys turned 3 today and I always make them thier own special cake on thier birthday.

Here is how the day usually goes: Me, starting a few days before trying to get the house clean. Me scrambling around the very day of the party trying to finish getting the house clean, plus make a boys birthday cake complete with artwork of the character of choice. Me finally getting done with the cake just as guests are arriving.

Well this time add to that one crying baby half the day, two hyper-active fighting boys, a non-working microwave to soften the butter, a beater that dies right in the middle of mixing the cake. Having to go to the store as soon as hubby gets home from work around 4:30 (party is at 6:30, and we have only one working car),with a screaming baby, to get a new beater so I can mix the buttercream frosting. Egg whites for the frosting won’t whip up like they should.

Oh and don’t forget that I have candles up the whazoo to make…..

Upside to all this, the cake got done and tasted great and since Herbie the Love Bug was the character of choice I was able to just draw his number and racing stripes instead of the whole car like I’d planned. And hubby helped wash dishes and clean the kitchen and bathroom when he got home too, without making disapproving sounds! I’ll skip the several other things that happened that made my day just lovely.

Anywho, I’m glad it’s all over and birthday boy had a fun time and loved his herbie the love bug cake.

So tell me, why do I torture myself like this? It would be so easy to just go buy a cake, but I just can’t do it!

PS. I’ll post the recipe to the cake soon… It was sooooo good!

Herbie Love Bug Birthday Cake
Herbie Love Bug Boy Birthday Cake