Category Archives: The Family

Mommy, get the spider out……

Yesterday Ekid was forced to eat a spider. A dead Daddy Long Legs. By Nboy no less, who did it because the neighbor boy (who is 2 years older than him) told him to and Nboy thought he wouldn’t be his friend anymore if he didn’t do it.

Now this boy seems to be a pretty good kid and we really haven’t had any incidents until now. They just moved in about a week or so ago and he’s been coming over to play in our yard almost every day. This is the first time Nboy has had someone to play with right next door.

So Nboy comes in the house looking like he’s about ready to cry and saying that the other boy made Ekid eat a spider. I go out back to find poor Ekid bawling and the neighbor boy says that Nboy made Ekid eat the spider. So I politely tell him to go on home while I have a talk with my boys.

I then find out that the neighbor boy told Nboy to do it. Nboy felt awfull, but he still got in trouble and I had a good talk with him about not doing what someone says just because you want to be their friend. If a “friend” wants you to do something that is wrong, don’t do it. If they want you to do bad things, then they aren’t a friend. And I told him he needs to stick up for his brother, or anyone that’s being picked on and help them. I told him that he needs to be the one that does what’s right. Both of us were on the verge of tears.

Now, I hate confrontation, so I didn’t know what to do. Ekid was pretty distraught  about the whole thing. Do I go talk to his parents, or just talk to him about it the next day and let him know that if that happens again he won’t be allowed over? I really did NOT want to have to go talk to his parents…..

Thank the Lord(I’d been praying I wouldn’t have to deal with this), the neighbor boy showed up at our door a little bit later wanting to apologize to the boys and said he was just playing around, but they took him seriously. So I thanked him and just told him not to play like that anymore or he wouldn’t be able to come over and play anymore.  So I think all is well again and that was a huge relief for me! I didn’t think he was really being mean. I know Nboy can be kind of gullible sometimes and can be too agreeable when it comes to playing with other kids. I never had a problem with him sharing when he was real little. In fact he was one that would just sit back and take it if another kid would take something from him.

Now Ekid. The poor thing was a bit traumatized. I mean, 3.75 years old and he’s forced to eat a daddy long legs spider. EEEWWWW! So when I was talking to him about it, he kept touching his throat, and kept telling me, no, he didn’t eat a spider. No he didn’t swallow a spider. No a spider was not in his mouth. He was very firm in the fact that he did not eat a spider, although he would always hang his head whenever I asked him. And he kept touching his throat…..

So later that night at bed time, I had tucked them into bed and was in our bedroom getting Baby ready for bed and Ekid comes into our room and says”Mommy, get the spider out” I say “What?” he says “Get the spider out” All the while he’s holding his throat. I finally realize what he’s saying and realize that the poor boy thinks that spider is still in his throat!!  So I had to explain to him that the spider is not in his throat, but it went down into his tummy and it’ll come out in his poop. So naturally he wants to go sit on the toilet so he can go poop. This is 10:00pm. He finally goes poop a teensy tiny bit and I tell him that the spider might have come out. And he seems to agree. This is after having a talk with him while he’s on the toilet about how your tummy breaks up food into teeny tiny pieces and then whatever your body doesn’t need turns into poop and comes out.(you really wanted to hear about that didn’t you? hehe)

So I put him back in bed, but he is still sure there is a spider in his throat! Ahhhhhh! He says he can feel it. So I talk to him again about it going to his tummy and his poop. And then we tell him to stay in bed now or he’s getting in trouble. Then he finally went to sleep. 11:00pm.

So through all that, I guess it was a good lesson for Nboy to learn…… (-:

Speaking of spiders. Here’s one that I killed last night. We get these running through the house quite a lot this time of year, only this year they have mostly been even bigger ones. We still aren’t sure if they are Hobo spiders, or another kind of spider that I’ve read looks a lot like the Hobo spider. Be nice to know for sure, because Hobo’s are poisonous and the other kind is not……

Sorry if I grossed you out. :)

Heading off an almost 4-year olds temper tantrums….

or, Duffusing a bad attitude….

*News Flash*
Our kids have bad attitudes at times. (sometimes they even throw fits! GASP!)

I’m sorry to say, they are not perfect. They may look it, but…

(Yes, that is a stick I’m holding up to try and bribe a smile……)

So I’ll share a little bit about how I deal with a bad attitude and keep it from turning into a temper tantrum. Much of the time I’ve been successful at it. Of course, tantrums are inevitable at times and sometimes nothing you do to head it off works, except a good old fashioned swat on the bum and sending them to their bed till they settle down (works for us!).

But many times I try to diffuse the situation with this tactic first as it is great for all involved at cooling off a hot temper or bad attitude.


Now it depends on the situation, but I’ll give you an example.

Yesterday Ekid, who is 3.75 years old, did not like the shirt I chose for him to wear. So he is in the makings of throwing a little temper tantrum. Pouting, saying ” I want the red shirt” and just generally being unhappy and not wanting to go outside in the chosen shirt. Now I do not give in when they are having a bad attitude about it and let them have their way. Maybe if they ask nicely, but not when it’s complaining and pouting and making mad faces… So I stood my ground on the shirt.

So I tell him “You need to have a good attitude” in a stern voice. Well, he looks at me, and a smile creeps across his pouty face. I say “What? A-tti-tude?” and he smiles some more and says “what’s that mean?” So I tell him that a bad attitude is when you’re being mad, or sad, or mean, and a good attitude is when you’re being happy and nice. That’s paraphrasing it anyway. You don’t think I’d remember exactly what I said do you?

So I say “you need to have a good attitude, not a bad attitude” purposefully saying “attitude” because he really thinks it’s a funny word.

So after that, his attitude completely changed. I hugged him and tickled him and we went ahead and changed his shirt.

Later on he got mad because NBoy was playing outside with the neighbor boy and was going to go over to his house and I told Ekid that he couldn’t go.

So what did I tell him? I said “You need to have a good attitude” and that word just cracked his pouty, mad face into a smile and he gave me a hug and wasn’t mad anymore :)

So a little humor can go a long way in heading off a temper tantrum or bad attitude. Like I said, it doesn’t always work and it may not be for every situation, but it did work in this situation, and I even used it today and I still got a smile out of it. We’ll see how long it lasts :)

Went into the kitchen and found this……

Guess I shouldn’t have left the gate open :)

Baby Eating Nectarine

So I had left the nectarines in a bag on the floor and I guess he figured out that they were good to eat!

The funny thing is, I found him like this, picked him up and started to take him out of the kitchen, and then thought “Oh,, I should get the camera!” So I set him back down where he was, and ran and got the camera! Isn’t that sad? LOL

And you know what? He ate the whole thing! I couldn’t believe it. He just devoured it! I picked him up off the floor and he was munching on it all the way to his highchair! The only thing left afterwards was the seed he had thrown on the floor and maybe a few little pieces that had dropped from his mouth :)

And I just realized this post goes well with my previous post….

Is my baby eating too much?

I’ve  heard this quite a lot lately and can only assume that it’s because people are so concerned about childhood obesity these days. Childhood obesity is a big problem, there’s no doubt about that and we do need to be concerned. I just think that most times many are over concerned about whether their baby is eating too much. As long as you are offering healthy foods, you really don’t need to worry. I have 3 boys, and our second and third wanted to nurse A LOT.

I never was concerned about them eating too much, though. Every baby is different and has different needs. Some just eat more than others. Especially with breastfeeding, I don’t believe they can eat too much.  Your baby should be allowed to nurse “on demand” up until probably at least 10 months. This is when I started slowly cutting back on nursing with my first 2 so that they could wean at 12 months. With my 3rd, I’ve decided to continue breastfeeding him past 12 months and still allow him to nurse pretty much “on demand” since he just turned 1. He only nurses about 3 times a day and sometimes only 2 times if we are out and about. He also nurses a couple times at night still.

Once you start feeding solids, you still shouldn’t worry too much. Just make sure to know the signs of when your baby has had enough. Sometimes it will be turning his head away, closing his mouth so you can’t put the spoon in, losing interest, pushing the spoon away with his hand, spitting the food out (although, that could be because he just doesn’t like what you’re feeding him lol). I used to believe whole heartedly that starting a baby on solids at 3-4 months was perfectly fine, and I did that with our first 2, but with our 3rd, again, I did things differently and I think it has worked out better. I didn’t start Baby on solids until he was 6 or 7 months old and I think it’s better in the fact that they can let you know more clearly when they’re full.

Just go by the saying: You decide what he eats, he decides how much.  I still do not limit my older kids in how much they eat(unless it’s almost dinner time and they say they want a snack, then I make them wait :)  and as you can see in the pictures, neither one is over weight. The are allowed plenty of exercise, and I am very conscious of what they eat.

  • Make sure they get fruits and/or vegetables at every meal(peas,broccoli,corn,nectarines,apples,oranges,bananas,salad,tomatoes,green beans,bell peppers,pears,etc…..)
  • Make sure they get whole grains at every meal(unsweetened cereal,whole wheat bread,rice,oatmeal,etc…)
  • Make sure they get some sort of meat or protein at lunch and dinner(yogurt,chicken,beef,turkey,peanut butter,nuts,cheese,milk,etc….)
  • Make sure they get some sort of dairy at least 2 meals a day(milk,cheese,yogurt)
  • Make sure they drink lots of water, and not much juice, and very rarely soda.

So the list above, lists many of the things I feed my kids that are pretty quick and easy. I’ve never worried about them being overweight or eating too much. They go through phases. Some days they seem like they are always hungry, and other days they don’t eat much. You just go with the flow.

If all you offer them are healthy food choices, then that’s what they will eat!

If your older child won’t eat any vegetables, then don’t let him get up from the table till he’s taken 2 bites. That’s what I always did with my boys when they’d go through a phase where they didn’t want to eat the veggies on their plate. I’d say “just eat 2 bites and then you can be done.” They usually would, but if not, I just made them sit there till they took 2 bites or let me spoon feed them 2 bites. You can’t give in.  The phase would pass and then they’d be eating their veggies just fine again :) It’s also good to make sure you have a couple choices for them, so they can choose which vegetable or fruit they want. That makes them feel like they have a choice in the matter and they’ll be more likely to eat their choice.

And if your older child doesn’t want to eat what you’ve prepared for dinner, then let him go without. Pretty soon he’ll get hungry enough that he’ll decide he wants to eat. Skipping a meal won’t kill ’em!

I also always emphasized to them how important veggies are to our bodies and that they help us grow healthy and strong. That has really helped a lot with my kids. They are pretty diverse in what they eat, and will eat most vegetables that I serve them. There are always going to be some foods that they don’t like, and I don’t force them to eat those as long as they’ll eat an alternative vegetable, then that’s fine. For example, Nboy(6) does not like bell peppers, so I don’t make him eat them. I have him try a bite if he hasn’t had one for awhile to see if he might like them now, but if he doesn’t then I don’t force him to eat them. Ekid doesn’t like tomatoes, so I don’t put those on his salad or sandwich. Occasionally he will taste one to see if he likes it though. But it’s really great because my kids will always at least taste something once to see if they like it.

I can’t stand picky eaters, and so far I think I’ve done a good job at raising our boys to be adventurous in the area of food and not picky(like their daddy lol).

So as far as babies that are ready for finger foods, here is a list of easy, healthy things that I feed my baby:

  • Peas. I also just feed them frozen because it’s nice when they’re teething.
  • Bananas
  • Toast(100% whole wheat),you also can do frozen bread
  • Crackers
  • Pears, cut up and fairly soft
  • Cooked broccoli cut up small
  • Macaroni noodles
  • Cheese
  • Cooked carrots
  • Peaches
  • Avocado
  • Kiwi
  • Cherrios
  • Mini wheats (older babies that can chew well)
  • Cut up chicken,turkey,hamburger

Well, there’s a list of what I could think of. I’m sure you could think of more stuff, these are just pretty much what I feed and have fed, my babies, as far as finger foods go.

So I hope this was helpful and if there’s anything I’ve missed or if you have any other finger foods that you feed your baby, please feel free to comment! :)

The fun we had: Baby’s first birthday!

Saturday was the big day! Baby is now 1 year old. He can crawl at the speed of lightening, he can walk several feet at a a time, and is starting to climb like a little monkey. He knows what “No!” means and actually listens most of the time….Oh, yes, and he’s gotten a sense of humor about him, not to mention he knows how to flirt!

I feel kind of bad, because we did not have a party planned for him on Saturday. There was just too much going on that day. In the morning we went to a church youth rally which was 45min. south of us. Then the kids and I booked out of there as soon as it was over, skipping lunch, to head back north about 2 hours to go to my mom’s company picnic. We got to the picnic at 3:30pm and had a ton of fun, eating lunch, going on rides, eating ice cream bars, snow cones, cotton candy, and elephant ears,,,, All of which were all FREE by the way! Yeah, can you imagine? I’m sorry to say that I think I had 3 ice cream bars and 2 cans of pepsi, plus I grabbed two more to take home toward the end! Oh, and we must not forget the Strawberry Shortcake!! Yummmmmmmm.  It wasn’t just any shortcake, it was layered! Talk about almost Heaven!

So enough about the Strawberry Shortcake.

After the picnic, we headed back to my parents house while my mom and my nephews(who were there also. 3 boys. My brother didn’t have any luck having girls stopped and bought a little cake and some ice cream so Baby could have a little celebration and we could take pictures to prove it!

Yes, I remembered my camera this time…..And the battery…fully charged……

I really wanted to make him  a cool cake myself, but, you know what? I’ve just been running pretty thin lately and I decided I just wasn’t going to get it done, and I’m not going to stress about it. He won’t remember a thing anyway!

Baby's First BirthdayYes, that is a tealight (courtesy of Homemade Candle Creations) we are using for his candle. My mom forgot to buy candles when she got the cake (-:

And one rule of first birthdays: Just take the shirt off before the cake devouring begins. Maybe even the pants too. :)

It started with this……

Then progressed into this…..

And ended with this….

And earlier that day…..

No, he did not eat the whole thing by himself :)

And then the rollercoaster…..

All in all, it was a great day! I even went on a ride with Ekid and it was fun, though I was a little concerned at first about the spinning because it was kind of like the teacups ride, only strawberries instead. The poor girls riding with us most likely didn’t get to spin as much as they would have liked! They were very nice about it though!

To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate

So the kids were watching PBS this morning and one of the kids shows,Sid the Science Kid is talking about vaccinations. So my kids are asking “Mommy are shots really good for you” I say “yes, they help you not to get those kinds of sickness”

Now, I hesitate because I still have mixed feelings about vaccinations. All of my kids are up to date on their shots, so I’m definitely not against vaccinating.

The problem is that I feel like I should have stepped in and told them at the hospital with our first two boys that I didn’t want them vaccinated so soon after birth. Instead I went ahead and said ok when I wasn’t really sure. The funny thing is that with our 3rd, they didn’t vaccinate him in the hospital, so obviously they decided that maybe it was too soon to do that! I feel like I should have at least delayed vaccinating with some of the vaccinations. And I’m not sure that vaccinations aren’t a cause of the rise in autism and that kind of scares me!

So I just kind of feel like I’m saying, yes, vaccinations are good for you and safe for you, yet I’m thinking, are they really? What if one of my children started showing signs of autism? I would naturally think that it was probably because of the vaccinations.

At the same time, most vaccines don’t have the questionable stuff they used to have, but are there other things in the vaccines that could cause the autism? Could it be that so many viruses are being introduced all at once at such a young age that maybe some kids just can’t handle it? At the same time, though, naturally our kids are subjected to tons of germs and viruses every day, which is how the immune system builds up and learns to fight against them, so is it really that bad that they get so many shots so close together?

Anyway, I was just thinking about this this morning. All the things that our government tells us and we just believe, because it’s the government or the doctor, and we teach our kids to do the same. Hmmm……