Category Archives: The Family

We Have Forward Motion!

Finally! Baby, whom I am going to start calling Bub from now on(because that’s our nickname for him here at home), has finally started crawling….Forward.  He’s been scooting backwards for quite some time, but could never quite get the forward motion thing.  Yet again, my baby just won’t stop growing up!

Ok, I tried to get a video on here, but It’s just not working. Thought I could do it faster without having to create a YouTube or Vimeo account, but I guess not!  So here’s a picture instead…. (I’ll try to post video later)

Baby Crawling
Baby Crawling
"Gotta get that toy!"

Sitting Tall

Baby sitting for the first time
"I'm cool"

My baby is growing up. This has happened before. Twice to be exact. What will I do? What will I do when soon he’s running around, wrestling with the other boys and I don’t have a baby to hold anymore? I love my boys, and they still enjoy sitting on my lap, and Ekid still wants me to hold him at times, but they are growing up so fast! And I can’t stop it….

Part of me looks forward to the day they become men and I can feel joy that we raised them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (as long as we make sure we do that). The other part of me longs to keep them as babies. Those sweet little helpless, smile-at-everthing with that gummy smile, mommy-and-daddy-are-always-funny, open-mouthed-slobber-kissing babies.

So here he is. Baby is now sitting up all by his little self as of April 28th. I know I’m a little late in posting this, but, hey, that’s just the way I do things around here ;)

Ahhh, yes, and he just learned to clap a few days ago too… So cute!

Not Me Monday – Re-post

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Since MckMama did Not do Not Me Monday last week, I’m going to repost this for my Not Me Monday post for this week since I Do Not feel like writing a new one! :) So these are actually “Not Me’s” from 2 weeks ago:

Well, all I have to say is, what a week! Sick kids, sick me, somewhat sick husband, and we were all very cranky last week….All week.  Thankfully we are almost all over it now and I feel soooooooooo much better! Thank the Lord for Ibuprofen!  I was all out of Ibuprofen last week and didn’t feel like going to get some so I tried just taking Tylenol from Wednesday till Friday for my nagging headache but it did absolutely Nothing! So Friday was payday, and I had to go get some groceries for our semi-bare cupboards and I actually remembered to pick up some Ibuprofen.

Now as far as the toilet paper goes, I certainly wouldn’t forget that! I would not be in the same isle as the TP and be thinking about getting some, only to forget as I walked toward where it was displayed on sale, round the corner and head for the baby food isle without giving the TP a second thought! Nope, not me! I would not be heading to the bathroom when I got home, only to remember that we were out of TP, and that was one of the main reasons I went to the store in the first place! I would not be that forgetfull.  I certainly did Not use the paper towels that I had bought that night (which were in the same isle as the TP) in place of TP.

So, back to the Ibuprofen. I took some Friday night and then laid down to nurse baby off to sleep in our bed. It was probably about 20 min. and all of a sudden I was feeling sooooo much better! Wow. I felt Horrible all week long and now with just two little Ibuprofen pills, Whala!  So that was pretty cool.

Another thing…. Chris A certain person did Not put Baby on the bed with pillow and blanket around him (so he wouldn’t fall off the bed)and turn his back for a second, only to have Baby plunge to the floor decide to scoot off the bed and onto the floor.  I certainly would not have let that happen…..(as she sheepishly remembers her firstborn falling from the bed when he was approximately the same age, or her second child falling off the couch, or………).

We’ve been keeping an eye on Baby, but he seems to be just fine. He had a little bit of a bump on his forehead, but mostly a rug burn on the spot.  As soon as I heard the thud and the crying, I knew what had happened! Chris felt horrible, and poor Baby cried and cried, and then he’d look at his dad, and start crying some more as if to say “Why did you let me do that!?” it was kind of funny. Even a little while after that, later in the evening, he would look at his dad and give him kind of a sad look and then turn away. Usually he wants to go to daddy!

I also would not decide to rearrange our living room Saturday night in an effort to create more space and help me to organize it again(nothing like a change of scenery to entice one to keep the home clean for a little while!).  I absolutely did NOT somehow bump the 32″ LCD tv that we bought from Chris’ grandma for only $100, that was sitting on the floor because we had to move the TV stand, and then find out that the thing it landed on actually cracked it!! Nope, I am much more carefull than that.  We now do not have a crack on the right side of our screen with nice colorfull lines running up and down that side. (Yikes!)

A moment of silence please for our injured television set………………….

Ok, back to our regular scheduled programming.

So that’s my Not Me’s for the week! Thanks for dropping by!

Not My Week……

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, all I have to say is, what a week! Sick kids, sick me, somewhat sick husband, and we were all very cranky last week….All week.  Thankfully we are almost all over it now and I feel soooooooooo much better! Thank the Lord for Ibuprofen!  I was all out of Ibuprofen last week and didn’t feel like going to get some so I tried just taking Tylenol from Wednesday till Friday for my nagging headache but it did absolutely Nothing! So Friday was payday, and I had to go get some groceries for our semi-bare cupboards and I actually remembered to pick up some Ibuprofen.

Now as far as the toilet paper goes, I certainly wouldn’t forget that! I would not be in the same isle as the TP and be thinking about getting some, only to forget as I walked toward where it was displayed on sale, round the corner and head for the baby food isle without giving the TP a second thought! Nope, not me! I would not be heading to the bathroom when I got home, only to remember that we were out of TP, and that was one of the main reasons I went to the store in the first place! I would not be that forgetfull.  I certainly did Not use the paper towels that I had bought that night (which were in the same isle as the TP) in place of TP.

So, back to the Ibuprofen. I took some Friday night and then laid down to nurse baby off to sleep in our bed. It was probably about 20 min. and all of a sudden I was feeling sooooo much better! Wow. I felt Horrible all week long and now with just two little Ibuprofen pills, Whala!  So that was pretty cool.

Another thing…. Chris A certain person did Not put Baby on the bed with pillow and blanket around him (so he wouldn’t fall off the bed)and turn his back for a second, only to have Baby plunge to the floor decide to scoot off the bed and onto the floor.  I certainly would not have let that happen…..(as she sheepishly remembers her firstborn falling from the bed when he was approximately the same age, or her second child falling off the couch, or………).

We’ve been keeping an eye on Baby, but he seems to be just fine. He had a little bit of a bump on his forehead, but mostly a rug burn on the spot.  As soon as I heard the thud and the crying, I knew what had happened! Chris felt horrible, and poor Baby cried and cried, and then he’d look at his dad, and start crying some more as if to say “Why did you let me do that!?” it was kind of funny. Even a little while after that, later in the evening, he would look at his dad and give him kind of a sad look and then turn away. Usually he wants to go to daddy!

I also would not decide to rearrange our living room Saturday night in an effort to create more space and help me to organize it again(nothing like a change of scenery to entice one to keep the home clean for a little while!).  I absolutely did NOT somehow bump the 32″ LCD tv that we bought from Chris’ grandma for only $100, that was sitting on the floor because we had to move the TV stand, and then find out that the thing it landed on actually cracked it!! Nope, I am much more carefull than that.  We now do not have a crack on the right side of our screen with nice colorfull lines running up and down that side. (Yikes!)

A moment of silence please for our injured television set………………….

Ok, back to our regular scheduled programming.

So that’s my Not Me’s for the week! Thanks for dropping by!

Not Me Monday

Yet again, another Not Me Monday already. Boy this week sure seemed to just fly by! I do have a bit more Not Me’s to talk about this time though, so let’s get started!

So, it all started with me and the kids meeting my mom at a Mcdonalds on Thursday to take her the rest of her soy candle order. We got there, and as I waited for her to get there, I definately did not sit and finish putting the tags on the candles, because, after all, that should have already been done and as we all know, I am always on top of things!

So she gets there and we go inside and she buys us all lunch and the two oldest boys go and play on the play set thingy. Well, low and behold, some kid wet his pants while playing, and I’m telling you right now it was Not My child! No, and it was Not my child that left a pee spot somewhere in that play set of which his older brother ended up stepping in and then said older brother ended up cleaning up the spot. No way. I mean, my child is done peeing his pants during the day! Or so we thought…….

It’s just a good thing grandma had brought some new underwear and shorts that she had bought them. Of course, you should see 6 year old underwear on a 3 year old! The shorts were his size, thank goodness!

So, on to a happier note! Friday my mom came down again (this is an hour drive for her! Good thing her car gets awesome gas mileage or I would feel bad!hehe) and picked the boys up to take home with her leaving me with just Baby. I’m telling you, I did Not actually get to put baby down for a nap after they left and I certainly wouldn’t thoroughly enjoy every minute of the quietness that engulfed my home for about 2 hours! Then Chris came home and we headed up to my parents house where we dropped Baby off with his brothers, and went out on the town. We would never feel overjoyed to leave our children temporarily. :)

Oh, yes, and I almost forgot to mention that as we were driving to my parents house, we saw some really cool looking cloud formations! One of the many reasons I love Oregon. So of course I had to take pictures! Would I take pictures while driving? No, no, no! Because that would be very unsafe!

Oregon Clouds

I did not eat too much at Izzy’s and then have to leave part of my chocolate mousse(who wouldn’t eat all of thier chocolate mousse!) that I had soooo looked forward to, because if I had eaten another bite it would not have been a pretty sight!

We did not see Clash of the Titans and enjoy it. Did I mention we didn’t have any kids with us? hehe

Oh, yes, and did I mention that my mom and I went shopping on Saturday and she was Not so awesome as to help pay for a new purse for me, because I would definately not carry around a purse that has a couple broken zippers so that it won’t zip up anymore and the strap has broken off of one side so that I have to carry it under my arm, while trying to carry a baby into the store and hold a 3 year olds hand whenever I’d go shopping! Not Me!  And this new purse would Not cost $130 for which we did Not get Half Off!

I am Not in love with my new purse either! Nope….(I’ll tell you about it in an upcoming post!hehe)

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.