Falling Off the Wagon and Getting Back On…..

So if you’ve been following my fitness posts, you’ll notice I haven’t posted anything for quite some time. Here are my excuses, most of them valid, but I could have started back on my fitness routine sooner.

First, I had a horrible toothache that laid me up for a few days. Then our livingroom had no space to exercise because we moved everything out of the kitchen into the livingroom and hallway so we could start remodeling our kitchen. A month later (like around the beginning of March) we were able to finally get some things moved out of there, but that took about a week or so since we rented a storage unit in order to store some things while we were getting the house ready to sell. During the remodeling, everyone got sick then a week of being healthy and then we all got sick again, and that lasted for about a week or so!

Anyway, so it’s been really tough and I haven’t really been able to exercise. I have gone for a few walks with the kids and tried to walk to the park more with them the last couple weeks when it’s not raining. I will say, that during the tooth episode and all the sickness, I ended up losing 10 lbs!!

And then…..

I think it all came back the last couple weeks. I’m sorry to say that I’ve been feeling like I have to constantly snack. Talk about frustrating.

So, my plan is to start back with my workout videos tomorrow (or, I guess it would be today since it is 1:30 am). And also, since my soft food diet worked out so well when I had my tooth issue, and then after having it pulled, I think I am going to try that again. I’m thinking since I didn’t eat any bread during that time really, that may have been a big help.

  • Applesauce
  • Yogurt
  • Slim Fast shakes
  • Soup

That’s pretty much what my diet consisted of during that time. So that and also going back to my veggie shakes too I think ought to do it :)

Well, that’s the update. Hopefully by next Monday I’ll have a good update about my fitness goals for this week. And I encourage you too, if you’ve fallen off the wagon with your fitness routine, just jump back on! Even if it’s only 15 min. a day, make the most of that 15 min.

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