Favorite Things-My Town

I’ve lived here for about 9.5 years. I moved from Oregon City, where I grew up, when my husband I got married. For a few years, I would get homesick for my home town where I grew up. Every time we would go visit my parents, I would see all the old places and the countryside and all those flood of memories and really, really miss the place. 

Now, though, I can honestly say that where we live now is where I want to be.  I think it happened when we moved farther south for about 3 years and then came back because it just wasn’t working out. God wanted us here, I truly believe.  Once we came back, I realized that I wasn’t home sick for where I had grown up anymore. This town feels like home now, and I love it!  I love that there are so many parks and they are very well kept.  It seems like almost anywhere you live in town, it is most likely within walking distance to a park. 

A Tree Shadow at the Park

NBoy Playing at the Park 

Big Tree at the Park

I love that it isn’t a huge town, but it  has 2 of almost every fast food place and it has all the big stores like Fred Meyer, Safeway, Target, Sears. There are an abundance of restaurants to choose from like Izzys, Mongolian, several Chinese places, several Mexican places, Sizzler, Denny’s and many more!

I love that the country with it’s hay fields during the summer is just a couple minutes drive away. I love the smell of the smoke of burning fields in the summer too!  Someday I hope we can afford to have property again and live in the country.  That is my only regret, and the thing I still really miss from my childhood. But I would want it to be here in this town.

I love all the beautifull trees here, even in town! I love that we are known as the “Grass Seed Capitol of the World”, even if that means the pollen count can go through the roof! haha   It’s a good thing I don’t have major allergies!  I love the smell of fresh cut grass and hay!  I love that our town is right by the river.

Ok, I could go on a bit more, but I think that’s long enough. Now it’s your turn!  What’s your favorite thing about your town?  Blog about it and then come back here and post the link to your blog post!

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