Home Organization Services?

Not my kitchen, but I wish!!

It’s almost Thanksgiving and my home, of course, is a mess. Who do you think is hosting Thanksgiving? You got it… Yours Truly. So I have exactly 2 days to get things cleaned up. Thankfully my mom helps a ton since my parents live on the property with us, but still, I like to try and do most the cleaning and preparing my home myself. I love and appreciate the help, but she does so much already with helping keep my kitchen clean and laundry done. I don’t like feeling like I can’t do it myself either. It’s hard though when you feel like there’s so many different things going on and you get easily overwhelmed by the house work. It’s always been a huge struggle for me. I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about!

I see these farm house bloggers that always have their homes so clean and perfect and I definitely get a bit envious. And don’t tell me they only show the perfect parts on social media! lol Maybe some of them do, but I know plenty of people that keep their homes nearly spotless pretty much all the time. I hate that I struggle with it so much.

So, I decided to write this post because I was looking for ideas to write about and typed in some keywords in the Google Keyword tool to see what was popular for home organization. It seems a lot, and I mean a lot of people search for home organization services! lol I totally get it! My problem is that I would have a home organizer come in, get everything organized and looking awesome, and think that I’m going to keep it that way. Ha!! funny joke! But seriously, after looking up these home organization services and browsing their websites, it’s something I would consider!

I probably just need to put more focus on cleaning the house every day. It’s just so hard! My brain is just not wired like that. I know I can make myself do it. I just wonder how in the world some are able to just more naturally keep things in order in their home. Ugh!

I guess this is just a venting post but I will post some links to home organization services below in case any of you are interested lol

Home Organization Services (Near me…Jefferson, Oregon)

Elizabeth Regalado, Pro Home Organizer

“I help busy women by creating beautifully functional, organized spaces, so they can feel at peace at home and get on with their lives.” Elizabeth Rgalado


Simple Organization, Realized Techniques!

Master Your Disaster

“Assisting others in creating harmonious living and office situations is something I was born to do.” Karen Brooks

Bright Space Organizing

Bright Space Organizing delights in creating spaces filled with beauty, function, and joy!

Tailored Organizing

Professional organizer near Portland, Oregon specializing in decluttering, organizing and space-planning for busy people who have other things to do.

Thea’s Organizing Services

We help individuals, families and businesses reduce the amount of stress in their life by creating room for success through ORGANIZING. 

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