Back to Homeschool, Schedule and an Awesome Desk!!

Our New Homeschooling Wall Desk
Our new homeschooling wall desk

I’m back!! I’m up late working on a website for my brother so I thought I might as well write a little and tell you all what’s been going on lately. :)

So we started back to homeschooling this week! Being a disorganized mom of 3, plus trying to run a home business…or several….and take care of the house, hubby and so on…. I have my work cut out for me trying to stay on a schedule this year. We are going on day 4 of homeschooling and so far I have been able to stick to the schooling schedule at least. Everything else has been in disarray , but hopefully things will smooth out in another week or so…hopefully(sigh).

So this is what our schedule looks like this week. Nboy is homeschooling 2nd grade this year. Ekid is doing preschool/kindergarten and Baby(who is having his 2nd birthday this Sunday on 9/11 ) will be working on keeping out of trouble, and potty training :) hehe

So back to the schedule!
7am I wake up, get dressed, do some Flylady routines, study my Bible, prayer, and then maybe work on a website or get a batch of candles started.

8am wake the boys up, get them breakfast.

8:30 start school time. Nboy starts with math, then reading/writing/spelling,

then exercise time around 10am-10:30, then at

10:30 we work on his website(he wanted me to teach him how to make a website!)

Ekid works in his workbooks doing whatever his little heart desires, so he skips around to different pages and does ones that catch his eye LOL.

Then usually around 9am I do one lesson out of the “Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons” So far I’m very impressed with the method used in the book! I have to be careful, though, because Ekid does become bored easily, so sometimes we’ve had to kind of hurry through the lesson and not go over things as many times as it says to. But he seems to be doing fine with it so far nonetheless.

So for now, we are getting done with school around 11am. I plan on adding some Science a couple times a week, and History too. We’ll probably do those in the afternoon, so that will fill in some down time when they are normally getting bored.

I’m excited for this year, but this week has been frustrating because I haven’t been able to do much else but schooling and trying to clean the house. I have candle orders that need to get done and shipped, and a couple websites that need to be worked on and finished! Hoping next week will go more smoothly.

2:32 am and I need to get up at 7! Oye!

P.S. The picture below is of our new-to-us wall desk thingy(?). It is absolutely wonderful!! We got it from the church my uncle is a pastor of. I love it and the kids do too! Love that it can fold up too :D

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