Fall craft project poster

Kid’s fall craft project-Autumn Poster

Hello. Long time no talk. So I haven’t had much to write about this week and I’ve been busy trying to keep a schedule and actually clean my house at certain times during the day and do a load of laundry every day, plus working on candles, and I’ve had a couple sick kids, so I just haven’t felt like I’ve had anything interesting to write about. But have been planning this post for a few days now.

I decided the boys and I should do a fun fall craft project that would be easy for them to help with, yet would look nice for a fall decoration in our school room/dining room/play room…..

I’ve had this hankerin’ to decorate my home for fall. I love decorating my house and I don’t usually get to, except at Christmas time. So in the name of “homeschooling” I’ve decided to decorate for the seasons this year! So I went out last week and bought a piece of yellow poster board. I also bought a pack of 75 fabric leaves from Target in their dollar section, and Tuesday I went to Joannes fabric and bought a 35 pack of even nicer, real looking fall leaves for 50% off which came out to $1. Before I went to check out, though, I was very, very tempted to purchase more fall floral stuff since it was all 50% off! Oh, how I love Joannes!! I decided to wait a bit before buying more fall stuff from there though, because usually they end up at 75% once it gets closer to winter and I wanted to be wise in my spending.

But I was oh so tempted….. must….wait…..patience!

Kid's fall craft project materials

So anyway, then I printed off some fall/harvest/thanksgiving pictures from the computer onto some photo paper and cut them out. I let Nboy help with some of the cutting and then he and Ekid helped me glue the pictures on first and then the leaves around the edge of the poster. I didn’t think the leaves were going to stick well at first until we left off gluing them and then I came back later and they were stuck firm. The fabric leaves just take a bit longer to dry, so be patient.

Kids working on fall craft project

And here’s the finished product! We all enjoyed this easy fall craft project. I loved it because it’s not very messy and it’s something that is pretty easy for young kids to help with. I plan on making a poster like this for each season, and then I can just save them and bring them out the following year and reuse them!

Fall craft project poster

I decided to go with the not so realistic looking leaves from Target because I hated the thought of gluing those beautiful real looking ones from Joannes forever to a poster.lol  I plan on using those for maybe just spreading out on a shelf, or using them when I take pictures of my candles for my fall specials.


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