Well, I didn’t quite meet my goal today of getting up at 7:30 am, but I have a very good excuse! Caleb, our 3 month old baby, decided to be wide awake from about 12:30 am to 2:30 am. He was a pretty happy boy most of that time, so I was able to finish a candle I had been working on and I got started on a christmas present I’m making for my mom. At some point in there, I was holding Caleb by the bathroom mirror so he could see himself and he loved it! He smiled and cooed at himself,, it was so cute! He’s been smiling alot lately and even laughed for the first time when daddy tickled him the other day. I just love babies. I’m pretty sure we’re done having kids, but it’s hard for me to say absolutely no more…….. I know DH(dear hubby) is definately ready to be done but I just can’t bring myself to make it permanant yet.
So I woke up at 11:00 am this morning and had to jump out of bed to hurry and make DH his lunch. He comes home for lunch every day which is a blessing and a curse…lol. But I am going to jump into doing the FlyLady babysteps starting tonight with shining my sink. I’ll explain a bit more probably tonight, but for now I need to get some more candles done and I have a crying baby strapped onto me. He doesn’t like it when I sit down (-: