Life goes on…even when you’re sick…

So I have to say I was doing pretty well the last couple weeks. Keeping up with homeschooling, getting the house cleaner and more organized each day, and this week I’ve actually been getting back to doing my routines and zone cleaning with the Flylady.

Then I started feeling sick Wednesday….and it escalated to a full on head cold. Stuffy nose, headache, runny nose, sneezing, slightly dizzy… get the picture.  But I have 3 kids to take care of…..soooooo……life has to go on.  We had taken a day off from school on Wednesday anyway because I had some pressing things that needed to get done that day, but now we’ve had 2 days off because today I just was not going to be able to function dragging out of bed at 7 or even 8am. I felt horrible…and still do, though since I took some childrens Sudafed(that’s all we had in the house for cold medicine) and Ibuprofen a couple times today, I can tell the difference, so it must be working.

So thankfully, since I was on a pretty short fuse today(or should I say yesterday, since it is after 1am), my husband took all 3 boys to Nboy’s 2nd flag football practice. It was nice to have some quiet time. I wish I could say that I relaxed, but I had to pick up the mess in the livingroom, and then work on getting some candles ready to ship, and by the time I was done with that, it was almost time for them to be home.  Then I wish I could say that the kids all went to bed at a decent hour and I was able to relax for awhile before heading to bed, but that didn’t happen either. First of all, they all got into bed late since I had to run to the store to get some necessities after the football practice. Then, Ekid and Nboy were playing with a plastic sword on their bed, and Nboy got poked right in the eye. So it was bleeding a little, and it hurt pretty bad, so I had Nboy stay out on the couch while I put Baby and Ekid to sleep. Ekid went to sleep fairly quickly(this is now around 10:45pm) but Baby was not going to go down so easily. I tried working on my computer right by their door where he can see me, but eventually he starts saying “mommy, sit. Mommy sit” and then starts crying because he wants me to sit by his bed.  So finally, after also getting him some more water, I sit next to his bed, but heaven forbid I bring my laptop with me! (he starts crying if I try to sit by his bed and work on my laptop at the same time) Eventually he did go to sleep right at about Midnight. Nboy had also come in to go to bed just before that. Then Nboy starts complaining about a stuffy nose! Great….here we go again!

So that was my day today. I guess you just have to wrestle your way through when you’re sick and everyone else is still depending on you.  It kinda stinks, but I guess it will pass, and hopefully next week will be smooth sailing again :)

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