Our house is in chaos (see here), with texture on the floors, tools in the sink, piled up dishes and no place to put clean laundry(except on our bed in the bedroom)
So last night I just was not going to try to cook. There was no way, and no room, but we also don’t have the money right now to be eating out, especially since we already had our “pizza” night on Tuesday night instead of our usual Wednesday night.
So I didn’t have much to use that would be quick and easy except for PB &J, so I improvised. I wanted to make quesadillas (sp?) but I was out of cheese, BUT, I did have some cream cheese left, and corn tortillas, and sour cream. So, since I didn’t want to use the stove, I put a little butter on a plate and melted it a bit in the microwave. Then I put one tortilla on the plate with the butter and rubbed it around a bit to coat it with butter, and then microwaved it for 30 seconds or so. I did the same with two more tortillas.
Then I spread some cream cheese and sour cream on each. Then I decided I could use the mini sweet peppers that I happened to have in the fridge and chopped them and put them on. I also chopped up some tomato and added that too. Then rolled them up, and Wha-La! LOL
So it sounds kind of weird, but it actually tasted pretty yummy! One word of advice…. corn tortillas are much better fried on the stove, but, hey, it worked, even if they were a bit chewy :)
And most importantly, the kids liked them. Oh, yes, and as a side I gave them some Zesty Tortilla Combos(I know, I know, not too healthy).
So do you have those chaotic mom moments where you just throw some things together that might seem a bit strange? I’d love to hear about it so write a blog post and add your link below! If you don’t have a blog, then just leave a comment telling about your “Makeshift Dinner of the week”
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