My Mom…..

It’s almost Mother’s Day and I’ve been thinking alot about my mom the last few days and how she’s always been there for me, helped me when I needed it, given me guidance, etc, etc, etc….. The point is, she is such a wonderfull mom!

My mom has had the past 2 weeks off of work, and guess what? She’s been to my house twice this week (my parents live a little over an hour away.) to help me get things cleaned up and reorganized. She drove thier truck here and we loaded up a few things that we needed to get out of our house, and took some blankets and clothes home with her to wash them for me!

Our house has been a disaster area lately and I really, really needed this this week! We have a bit more space now and she took away,, and we threw away,, quite a bit of clutter that was caving in on us. You cannot have clutter in an 800 sq. ft. house that only has 2 bedrooms and 3 kids. It just doesn’t work!

I love it that I don’t have to feel like she’s going to judge me or give me a lecture when she sees my house this way. She just gets right to it and starts washing dishes or something, or keeps the kids busy while I get some things done. But seriously, I am so glad she came to help me out this week. I’ve been feeling quite depressed about the state of our home lately, but felt like there wasn’t much I could do about it on my own.Now I have hope that, now that we’ve gotten alot of clutter out, I can actually make more progress. She’s planning on coming up again to help go through the kids room too, so that’ll be awesome.

Then, as if that wasn’t enough. She took our two older boys with her to her house Thursday night, and is keeping them until Saturday morning.

Did I mention how much I LOVE my mom?

She has always been there to talk to, always lent a hand, usually without us even asking. I don’t know when the last time I actually bought diapers was! or baby wipes! She’s always bringing us something that we may need when she visits. And when we go visit them, we usually end up leaving with more than we came with!

One day I want to be able to repay her for all the help she has given us. Yes, I know she doesn’t expect me to repay her(well,maybe  the $500 we borrowed to get the car fixed last year), except maybe just to say “I love you mom”, but one of these days I’d love to take her out to dinner, or buy her a spa day, or something like that!  I want to be able to spoil her one of these days……..

So, here’s to my mom. A wonderfull mother who raised my brother and I with love and patience, and nurturing and Godly values. Yes, my dad is included in that too, but this isn’t Father’s Day yet is it? :) . Who took me to all my horse shows, 4-H meetings, and riding lessons. Who actually watched and listened at my riding lessons so she was able to help me alot at my horse shows! Who encouraged me in my drawing and painting, bought me art supplies.

Mom, who helped organize my wedding and made sure it was absolutely beautifull!

Mom, who’s been there at the birth of all my boys and stayed each time, for a few days to help out. She didn’t make it in time for the actual birth of our 3rd, but she got there shortly after.

Mom, who’s helped us in time of financial need.

Mom, who’s always shown love and compassion!

Love you MOM!

I’d love to hear what you love most about your mom!

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