Tag Archives: books

Cheap Book Binding-Book Binding Instructions

Easy, Cheap Book Binding

I found an excellant cheap book binding method that is so easy and works awesome!  I just did my first book with these book binding instructions today and It was actually kind of fun. I just got my homeschool curriculum from Accelerated Achievement or A2 and all of the books are on the cd that it comes on! It uses the Mcguffy’s readers, so I printed out the primer so my 6yr old can go through the lessons and then we followed the book binding instructions from the link below.  I’ll be printing out more books and binding them this way too,, at least the ones I can’t get at the library.

Here’s the link to the instructions that I found: http://www.sff.net/people/brook.west/bind/bindit.html

It’s great because you can bind the book this way and then I just cut a strip of photo paper 8.5  inches long(my book was 7.5×8.5in.) and a couple inches wide, enough to fold over the binding of the book where the thread is and glued it in place.

I also used dental floss instead of thread. For one, I couldn’t find any thread and, two, I read somewhere that it works well since dental floss is nice and strong.

You could even make a hard or soft cover for your book if you really want to get fancy!

So there you have it. Just visit the link above for excellant instructions for fast, cheap book binding.

Looking for more cheap and easy book binding instructions? Check out some of the instructions books below:

Making Handmade Books: 100+ Bindings, Structures & Forms

Bookcraft: Techniques for Binding, Folding, and Decorating to Create Books and More

Re-Bound: Creating Handmade Books from Recycled and Repurposed Materials

Adventures in Bookbinding: Handcrafting Mixed-Media Books

Cover To Cover: Creative Techniques For Making Beautiful Books, Journals & Albums

Hand Bookbinding: A Manual of Instruction