Tag Archives: FPU

Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Giveaway

Hey there everyone! You have got to check this out. ChristianPF(Christian Personal Finance) is doing a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University giveaway. Included is:
Lifetime Membership – With your lifetime membership, you and your spouse can attend an FPU class anywhere, any time, at no extra charge.

Full-Color Dave Ramsey FPU Workbook – The new full-color, hardback workbook will walk you step by step through all 13 of Dave’s newly updated life-changing lessons.

High-Quality Audio CD Library – Includes all 13 lessons, plus two bonus CDs in a convenient storage case.

Durable Envelope System – Dave’s famous, easy-to-use cash management Envelope System, now with a stylish, durable cover.

Dave’s Book, Financial Peace University Revisited
Helpful Tidbits – New budgeting forms, bonus CDs, tip cards, debit card holders, and more.

Access to the Member Resource Center – with online features including budgeting software and an active discussion community for the duration of your FPU class and bonus articles, videos and more for a lifetime.

So head on over to ChristianPF and enter! This would be an awesome deal! I have a couple of Dave Ramsey books, Total Money Makeover and the Financial Peace workbook and he is great! If everyone listened to his financial advice, our country would be so much better off.

Can you imagine not having any debt? Actually making ends meet and having some money to spare, even if it’s just a little, but your able to save it and not spend it unless it’s truely an emergency? Now that would be some financial peace. Money isn’t going to make us happy, only the Lord can do that, but He does want us to be wise stewards of our finances, because if we’re in debt and always worried about how we’re going to make ends meet(because of our own doing),, well then we can’t effectively serve the Lord.

So anyway, I’m entering to win this Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Package, and crossing my fingers!