Tag Archives: not me monday

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, let’s see here. What did I “not” do this week? Oh let me count the ways.

So first off, I definately did Not stay up too late almost every night this week blogging. I am NOT getting addicted to blogging either! Nope…

As a result of not staying up too late, I also was Not extremely tired most of the week and I definately did not need a break this weekend when we went up to visit my parents who live a little over an hour away(apparently I’m supposed to be super women, at least that’s what it seems like most of the time). 

Baby also did not poop for a couple days(that part is true!) and then he didn’t decide to explode poop out his diaper while I was sitting at the computer, not checking on my blog.

I also did not get spit up on several times a day every day this week

On Friday, I listed a midi keyboard that DH is selling on Ebay and of course I did not forget to unckeck the free shipping box, after filling out all of the shipping dimensions and weight for the shipping calculator, so that our listing which is going to be aprox. 10lbs to ship, is listed with free shipping! Nope, I would never do that!! 

Hmm… Oh yes, I also did not go garage saleing with my mom and all 3 kids on Saturday, where I did not find this beautifull little painting, which is an original oil, for $7 which we did not actually get for half off! hehe

Oil Painting of San Francisco Bridge by Engel

So, that’s my Not Me Monday!

P.S. And I almost forgot… We did not come home  from my parents house with more stuff than we left with..again!

You may also want to visit my Favorite Things Tuesday! This weeks theme has been “Spring/Summer”. You can blog about your favorite things about Spring and/or Summer and add the link to your post! Also check out This Weeks Theme!