Tag Archives: Photos

You Capture-A Moment

This post is for the weekly challenge at I Should Be Folding Laundry

At first I didn’t think I had a really “great” picture for this one. I searched through my tons of picture files that I’ve recently taken(that’s the problem with digital cameras! Endless pictures!) and finally I found this one. Daddy and Baby-So cute!

Daddy and Baby Moment

We also spent a little while at the park last week, which was a nice few “moments” for me to relax while the kids played!

Kids Running At the Park

You Capture-Reaching

This picture is kind of fuzzy, but I thought it was a great picture for the reaching theme.  Don’t we all feel this way at times? Reaching so hard for something, and getting so frustrated because we can’t quite get it?  Many times we just need to quit trying to do things on our own and just let God take care of it!

This post is for the weekly challenge at I Should Be Folding Laundry

Baby Reaching For Toy