Wow, there are so many advantages of homeschooling, where do I begin? First of all, your kids get to spend more time with you, in turn creating a stronger bond. Now, I know, some may be thinking”yeah and then they end up driving me nuts” LOL , but hey, just because you homeschool doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a break every now and then! Every mom needs a break from the kids once in a while. But for kids to be at school 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, gives them more time with thier teachers and thier peers than it does with a parent during the day. Then when they get home, they have homework to do, maybe some sort of activity, dinner, and then bed. And as I read in another post about homeschooling, sometimes the kids start getting closed off from telling how thier day went , and maybe even keeping from you what they do with thier friends and who they hang out with. That was true for me when I was in school. That’s one thing I regret from my younger years, is that I wish I had been more open with my parents.
A huge advantage of homeschooling is the one on one learning. Public schools cannot effectively teach each child one on one because of the many students in each classroom. They also cannot teach to every childs level and style of learning which leaves some children falling further behind, while others are bored because they need more of a challenge. Teaching your own kids at home gives you the advantage of being able to see your childs needs and meet those needs in thier learning. Now if you choose to public school, this is where the parents really can step in and help thier kids succeed even in public schools. Parents just need to be more involved in helping with thier childs homework and making sure it gets done, or getting them the help they need to improve thier grades.
Another advantage of homeschooling is being able to go on field trips or vacations whenever you want. You’re not tied down to your childs school schedule and you can even do homeschooling on the road if you’re going on a long trip. Take a trip and visit historical monuments and you can have a fun history lesson.
Next is you have more say in who your kids hang out with. Some may think that we shouldn’t tell our kids who they can and can’t be around or that homeschoolers “shelter” thier kids too much and that they aren’t “socialized”. Now I do believe kids need to get out and play with other kids and make friends outside the home, but in public shools, usually they aren’t that well supervised out on the playground. When I was in grade school, as I’ve mentioned before in my homeschooling thoughts, I learned things and heard things that were perverted and that I should not have been exposed to at that age.
So with my kids, I am all for enrolling them in some extra curricular ativities, like sports, or art classes, but those things are much more easily monitored. I think that with homeschooling, they will gain a stronger foundation in the Lord(if we make sure to be diligent in teaching them and living the example) before they are fully thrown out into the world to make thier own decisions and hopefully then they will choose to let the Lord lead them. Gods Word says”Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” Prov. 22:6 (KJV)
So one more advantage in homeschooling that I’ve learned from reading peoples testimonies, is that homeschooled kids tend not to give in to peer pressure as much when they get older. They are more independant thinkers and they tend to be more independant learners too. I think that is a great thing!
I think that about covers the advantages of homeschooling, but if you have more to add, or if you just want to share your thoughts, Please leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!