My baby is growing up. This has happened before. Twice to be exact. What will I do? What will I do when soon he’s running around, wrestling with the other boys and I don’t have a baby to hold anymore? I love my boys, and they still enjoy sitting on my lap, and Ekid still wants me to hold him at times, but they are growing up so fast! And I can’t stop it….
Part of me looks forward to the day they become men and I can feel joy that we raised them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (as long as we make sure we do that). The other part of me longs to keep them as babies. Those sweet little helpless, smile-at-everthing with that gummy smile, mommy-and-daddy-are-always-funny, open-mouthed-slobber-kissing babies.
So here he is. Baby is now sitting up all by his little self as of April 28th. I know I’m a little late in posting this, but, hey, that’s just the way I do things around here ;)
Ahhh, yes, and he just learned to clap a few days ago too… So cute!