Tag Archives: Tackle It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday……Continued

Alright, after that Wordless Wednesday post where my house is completely thrashed to peices, I thought I should show you what my dining room/playroom/whatever room, looked like only 30min. before my husband decided to texture the livingroom walls at the last minute! Because I had it even more clean and tidy than I did when I posted earlier Tuesday, and It only took 15 min.

So here it is, just to prove that I actually tackled what I said I was going to tackle on Tuesday :) I just set my timer for 15min. and went to town!

Oops, don’t mind the crooked painting..lol

Wasn’t completely done, but hey, I think alot was accomplished in only 15 min.!

That included sweeping….

Helping? Hmmm…..

So if you’re feeling like you don’t have time to clean up the mess, just set you’re timer for 5,10, or 15 min. and make a game of it to see what you can get done in that time!

Tackle It Tuesday!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

So I was going to post about how I’m reorganizing my dining room/play room/school room/whatever, and I came across 5 Minutes for Mom’s Tackle it Tuesday.
So anyway, a word to the faint of heart, here are some graphic pictures of just a portion of the chaos in my home!

And a closer look….

I straightened up a bit last week and moved Nboys desk into a much better spot…..

And my mom and I moved the little chest freezer that she bought me for an early b-day present(Yay!! I’m not being sarcastic either, I love my new freezer!)…..

So we’re looking better, but I definitely still have work to do. I have been keeping this room from getting messier this week so far though, but I plan on tackling that corner, and I need to move those hanging clothes into our bedroom somehow. We don’t have space in our closet, because Baby’s crib is set up in the closet and there isn’t enough room for all of our clothes! Ugh! I can’t wait till we’re able to sell this place and get a bigger house!!
So I hope you enjoyed my Tackle It Tuesday! Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and join in the fun!