Tag Archives: youtube

My first Youtube Video in Person! Check it out!


Okay, so I’ve been thinking of doing a Youtube video on soy candle making for awhile now and I finally did it! Just so you know, I am not an outgoing person and I hate hearing my own voice usually, let alone seeing myself on tape, but I did the video and thanks to a wonderful camcorder that recorded it all very nicely, I got through it and actually really enjoyed it!

So it is now up on Youtube and I would LOVE it if as many people as possible would go view it. You don’t even have to watch the whole thing if you don’t want to, just a few seconds will do ;)   And if you’re feeling especially generous I would be eternally grateful to anyone who would click “like” on the youtube page for the video :D

This video was done for my other website www.soycandlemakingtime.com.

Simple How To Install and Customize a WordPress Theme-Atahualpa Theme Tutorial

So, next in the series (see my last post). I think this video turned out much better. In this one I show you how to install and do some customizing a wordpress theme, namely the Atahualpa theme. I really love the Atahualpa theme because it is so customizable. Much more so than any of the other themes I’ve tried. It’s not for everyone though. If you just want to get your website or blog up fast with a cool look right out of the box, Atahualpa isn’t the theme for you. It is pretty plain right off the bat, but If you like to change things up a lot and put your own spin on it, then this theme is pretty fun to play with.

So let me know what you think of my videos. What can I improve on? Are they easy to follow?

Build Your First Blog in Less Than 10min. with WordPress

Hey, so this is my first Youtube video…Yay! I thought I’d do a how to on how to build your first blog with wordpress. It took quite a few takes, but there it is. I still feel like I wish I would have redone a few things, but I’m not going to look back now. My next video is better since I learned a few things from the first.

I’ll be posting the next video in this series soon!

Let me know what you think :)