My sweet grandma passed away on the 8th of February. It was hard seeing her at the last, but I am so glad I and all the other family were able to be with her in her last days. She passed peacefully and since she knew Jesus as her saviour, I know she’s rejoicing in Heaven right now, and that’s what allowed us to be able to celebrate her passing at her memorial service.
I really think that’s what it should be for a child of God who has gone home. Now, yes, it may be a bit easier when you know their time is very near and you’ve been prepared well in advance. It does maybe seem harder to let go of someone who has passed at a younger age, or suddenly, but still, if they had accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour at some point in their life, I know they are in a much happier place. She was 91 years old, so she lived a long and full life and got to see several great grandchildren. She was such an inspiration as a woman, wife, mother, grandmother…..
She was a beautiful pianist and I wish I hadn’t stopped taking piano lessons from her when I got to an age where I got to choose, because as I got older I started really enjoying playing again and wish I was better at it! She also told the most wonderful, enchanting bed time stories when my brother and I were young and we spent the night at her house.
I love and miss my grandma, but one day I will see her again, and she is now with my grandpa who passed away years ago when I was a teenager. I’m sure it was difficult for her having to go on without him for so many years, but now she is comforted at last!
I love you Grandma!