Twinkie meet husband…..

Last night Chris was watching a movie,sitting on the couch on the other side of the livingroom, I was in the kitchen, and he calls “Miss,(my nickname), did you eat the last Twinkie?”

Me: “No”

Chris: “can you bring it to me?”

Me: “Another Twinkie?!” (he’s had two already)

So I grab the last Twinkie, walk to the edge of the livingroom, do an over hand toss, and that Twinkie hurls across the livingroom at a speed I had not intended, and smacks Chris right smack dab in the face! I seriously was not aiming for his face!

I could not help but laugh so hard as he’s sitting there holding his face, pretending, of course, to be hurt.

Moral of the story…..Twinkies go alot faster than you think, so be careful with your aim! :)

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