Ultimate Blog Party 2010!

 Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Enter to Win a Free Soy Candle when you comment!(US residents only please,,Oooh, I should add that you can still comment if you live outside the US, you just won’t be entered in the drawing! Sorry, it’s just the whole shipping issue)

This is my first time participating in the Ultimate Blog Party over at 5minutesformom. I’m arriving late, but hey, better late than never, right? So to introduce myself:

My name is Melissa, and I am a 29 year old mommy of 3 boys with a wonderfull husband. Our boys are ages 6, 3, and 7 months.  They are full of energy and I’m still trying to adjust to having 3 now and it is tough trying to keep up with the house and trying to homeschool, and work from home making soy candles, working on 4 websites and blogging.

Look at that tongue!!

I just started blogging last year on my Artists Blog, and didn’t do much with it, especially after having Baby in September ’09 since I didn’t have time to paint anymore. Then I decided to start this blog sometime in December ’09.  I’ve enjoyed blogging about my kids and other things in my life, and I’ve enjoyed participating in blog carnivals and meeting other bloggers!

EKid and our wonderfull dog King! So sweet!
NBoy- What a goober!(you'll have to excuse the mess!)

So there you have it! I hope you’ll look around and visit often! I’m working on posting more recipes and more on homeschooling and working from home stuff, so check in often and see what’s new! I usually post every day, with the possible exception of Saturdays and Sundays- although I’ve been known to post on those days too at times!

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S.  I’m going to be doing a drawing for one of my Homemade Soy Candles! Entries close at Midnight(PST) on the 16th!

Anyone who comments on this post will be entered and the winner will recieve a free 8oz soy candle(only those who live in the United States please)!  I’m very excited about this! So if you could head on over to my website- Homemade Candle Creations– And let me know what fragrance you would choose in your comment I would greatly appreciate it!  You can always change your choice if you win and decide you want a different fragrance.

Follow me on Twitter and you’ll recieve an extra entry!! Let me know in your comment that you’re following too!

17 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Party 2010!

  1. Here From UBP Glad to meet you. boys I know your hands are full, I have a girl but my G-nephew wears me out when he visits.
    come by and learn more about me and my blogs. Let’s go to the party now…

  2. Boys are busy right! I really like the scripture on the top of your blog. Stopping by from the blog party. LOL I’m totally one who usually doesn’t post on the weekends especially on Sundays. Well here I am on Sunday blogging away. Opps. LOL. Love to have you over at The Blessings of Modern Domestication.

  3. Hi there found u via the blog party. I love the scripture on the top of your blog. I too typically blog daily and try not to blog on the weekends but here I am on Sunday blogging away.
    Love to have you over at The Blessings of Modern Domestication
    Cheers to you and yours!

    1. Angi,
      Thanks for stopping by! How do I find time to post almost daily? I type fast…very fast…. :) hehe I also stay up very late at night sometimes after everyone is in bed and have some time to myself. You’ll see a few posts about how I was up after midnight! I also will start on a couple posts at a time if I have some ideas and save them as drafts so I can work on them a bit at a time. I still have one that’s a draft from a month ago that I haven’t had time to finish yet, since it’s one of those that I really want to put alot of thought and a little more research into.

      Most of the time I just type what’s on my mind at the time, so it doesn’t take me very long and I can get it done either while baby is napping or, like I said, late at night.

      To be honest,, my house suffers, not necessarily from blogging, but everything else I’m trying to do too! I’m working on that though :)

  4. Just dropping in via UBP. :)
    Am COMPLETELY with you on the “adjusting to having three”! That third blessing, who came for us Sep. 9, 2008, turned my organized, got-it-together, OCD world upside-down! LOL!
    Can’t imagine life without her though. :)
    You must be one good “juggler”! You have ALOT of irons in the pot! :)
    God bless!

    1. LOL,, Actually, I’m not at all a good juggler!lol, That’s the problem! Sometimes I wonder if I’d be better off forgetting about all these other things and just focus on the kids, the house, and the husband! But, sigh, I love working on the websites(when I can) and I love blogging, and painting(which hasn’t happened since baby was born!), and, and, and…..:) But one of these days I hope to turn this unorganized self around!hehe
      And, yes, the third one is a bit more challenging. He is actually the best baby so far, but just the fact of having a baby, AND a 3 and 6 year old consumes my time soooooo much!

      Well, thanks for stopping by! It was nice to meet you!

  5. Stopping by from UBP. You have your hands full – I am completely impressed that you manage to write on your blog almost every day. I love the photos of your sons.

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