Well, we’ve been pretty busy the last couple weeks, actually the last 3 or 4 weeks. The week before last we went to our church camp up near Crater Lake. It was an awesome week and Nboy’s first year in a cabin since he is 8 years old this year. So we only had Ekid and Cman in our tent with us this year! Whoohoo! :)
It was a great week. I know to some it might sound boring what with the bible classes in the morning and then preaching time and then preaching in the evening as well, but it is definitely not! The whole point of church camp is to draw closer to our Lord and have fellowship with our brothers in sisters in Christ and get away from the cares of the world for a week and to hopefully see lost souls saved. Besides there are other activities during the day and the food is great! ;)
So anyway, it was a wonderful week and I got a bit of a fire lit under me to get my priorities straightened out here at home and have a better attitude in the job God has given me to do.
Of course when we got home, things started going downhill again. Boys started fighting again, like continually, all week! The house was a mess when we got home because of all the packing I was trying to do before camp. So my attitude took a nose dive. Sigh. Thankfully, I did study my bible a lot more last week and by the end of the week, I decided that I had had a stinking attitude all week and that wasn’t going to do. That’s not letting God influence and lead me!
So this week I started fresh. I got up at 6:30 yesterday morning, which is really early for me. Went to bed at 11:30 Sunday night, which is really early for me….. ;) But Sunday night I typed out a list of daily things I need to get done and then yesterday morning I got up, went for a 20 min. walk while the hubby and kids were still asleep. Then I got back to a quiet house and sat down to study my bible for a bit. Then I swish and swiped my bathroom toilet and sink(it’s a Flylady thing). Then put some clothes in the wash and other clothes in the dryer and then when the hubby got up for work a little before 8, I made myself a healthy smoothie for breakfast.
The first half of the day went great and I actually got a lot done on my to do list for the day but then I started feeling sick…..
And I felt worse last night and so this morning I did not get up early and I’ve felt puny all day with a wonderful cold. I did get 15 min. each of cleaning done in the kitchen and bathroom and washed a lot of dishes and put clothes in the wash, so my day wasn’t totally unproductive, but I could have done so much more if I wasn’t feeling lousy. Oh well, seems that’s usually how things go with me and I just better trudge through it and pray that I get to feeling better soon!
So that’s what’s been going on the last few weeks. I’ll post my daily list maybe tomorrow. I still need to print it out and put it in a sheet protector so I can use a dry erase marker to mark things off as I go.
But I really want to get this organization thing going and keep it going. I’m so tired of a messy house and not feeling like I can do anything with my home business when I have housework looming over my head. I really, really want to get a bigger house too. This place is so small it makes me want to scream! 3 boys in one bedroom is just not cool at bedtime!
Well, good night all!